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"Ok. I know we just had a beautiful time in the sun and sand but I need to talk to you about something." Zac said to Fatima.

"Ok what's up?"

"When we get back we have to go to the office to grab the keys to the house. The furniture delivery was pushed up and it's arriving this evening."

Fatima got excited. These were the last of the furniture pieces to arrive and they were a week ahead of schedule.

"If you don't mind working today we can get the room set up and present them with the keys Monday when Jake gets back."

Fatima told him she didn't mind at all. Zane heard his parents planning to go somewhere and immediately volunteered to come along.

"You sure you wanna come? We're gonna be working." Fatima warned him.

"Oh I can wear a suit like daddy!"

"You won't need a suit." Fatima laughed.

"Aht. My son wanna be fly like daddy. Let him wear it." He said holding up his hand to hush Fatima.

The plane landed and everyone departed, going their separate ways . Zac dropped everyone off at home and ran to the office to get the keys after bringing the luggage inside.

He pulled into the parking lot of his office and dialed Jake

"Furniture delivered."

"Iight coo. Say less." The call ended. Zac grabbed the keys and texted Fatima to tell her he was on the way back.

She changed into a pale pink sundress and threw on a pair of Dior sneakers to match. Zane kept his word wearing a tan suit with a light blue dress shirt underneath and his favorite bracelet.

Zac called out from the front door. I'm back. Let's go. He saw Zane first. "Look at my boyyyyyyyy!!!!"

He straightened Zane's pocket square and dapped him up.

Next Fatima came into view. "Damn. I'm never gonna get tired of seeing this face. Or that ass" he said slapping it as she walked past."


Zac locked up behind them and drove to the house.

"What time are they coming?" Fatima looked around not noticing any delivery trucks.

"Last message I got said they were 3 stops away." Zac pulled into the driveway. Everyone got out the car and together walked into the house.

"Daddy this house is nice!" Zane said admiring the house and his mother's work.

Fatima looked around in confusion. "Zac. The furniture is..who did this?" She looked beside Zac and noticed something that didn't belong.

Zac noticed her eyes locking in on the object behind him

"Zane. Can you bring me the thing in your pocket please?" He asked never taking his eyes off Fatima who was still putting pieces together.

Zane handed Zac the key to the box. Who held it up for Fatima to see.

She picked the puzzle box up off the counter and slowly outstretched her hand to take the key.

"You're gonna need this."

"Zac what's going on?"

"Taylor. Do you love me?"

"Yes." She spoke her voice shaking.

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes." She spoke more clearly.

"So open the box."

Fatima's hand were shaking as she entered the key into a hole she'd never noticed before. The box top gently lifted and a pink light crept from under the lid.

She hadn't even opened the box fully and tears clouded her vision. She wiped her eyes and took a deep breathe before opening the box. She opened the box and watched her wedding ring spin slowly in the center of the box. She hasn't seen her ring since she threw it at him the night she saw him with Phoenix.

"Fatima. Getting hit by your car will forever go down in history as the best day in my life. On our wedding day I gave you that ring with a promise to always love, provide and protect you in sickness and in health. I failed you and I broke that promise."

Zac reached into his pants pocket and pulled out another box. Dropping to one knee. He opened it to face her. I've spent every night for the last five and a half years, Two thousand and four days to be exact praying that I get the chance to make right on that promise. Fatima Taylor. The work has been done. I see you. Beyond your beauty, I see your soul. I tried letting you go and living without you. People kept telling me that I'd get over you. But how could I live without the other half of my heart. You and Zane complete me in a way l'll never be able to put into words. All I know is that I made a new promise. One to God. That if he got me a second chance with you that I would give my last breath serving you as the man and husband you deserve and never let you go again. Fatima Taylor, I know our love hasn't been perfect. But I know that we are still worth it. Will you do me the honor and the absolute pleasure of being my wife? Forever this time?"

Fatima couldn't speak. She reached out her hand and accepted the ring onto her finger. She and Zac cried as they held each other. Fatima noticed for the first time that Zane was missing from her side. She turned around to find herself standing in front of a crowd of familiar faces. "Welcome home Taylors!" the once silent crowd yelled as they set off confetti cannons in the middle of the living room.

"Wait. What?!" Fatima was unsure she heard them correctly."

Zac handed her the keys to the house. I told you, we are tailor-made the Taylor way. This is our house. It's everything you picked. Every single vision you had brought to life."

Fatima was stunned. She scanned the crowd. Crying that all her most favorite people knew about this all along. She'd never felt more amazed or loved than she did in that moment.

"So what's next Mr. Taylor?" She asked taking his face into her hands.

"Next. I hold on tight. And never let go. Mrs. Taylor.


Oh but we aren't done... Stay tuned for the final book of this series. Taylor Everlasting! coming to a wattpad near you

non process trusting muhfuckas.

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