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"Sorry to disturb you I just need to check his vitals once more before you guys are discharged" a cheery nurse said reading over the notes on Zane's chart. When she finally looks up she's surprised to see Zachary standing there.

"Zac?" She had surprise all over face. "Uhh what are you doing here?" She finally noticed his name on the clipboard and the woman standing comfortably in Zac's arms.

Zac gestured to the bed with his head. "Wassup Simone. That's my son. And this is his mother,Fatima. He said releasing her from his arms.

"Son. Yes." Simone gathered herself quickly. She and Zac went of a few dates a few years back but it never went anywhere for him. She was definitely disappointed when he stopped calling but figured the woman before him was the reason why. "Well this brave guy is free to go home when he's ready. Everything came back all good and the doctor has prescribed him Motrin for the pain." She rambled off a few more instructions about Zane's care as Rich knocked and entered the room.

Fatima's body language was hard to read by everyone in the room. Long ago had Fatima stepped out of Zac's embrace and took a seat on the edge of the bed where their son slept.

"Can I wake him?" Fatima asked Nurse Simone. She ran her hands across his hair.

"Yes of course. But you may want to let him sleep. The pain that's going to set in for him could be a lot for him to handle when he wakes up."

Fatima took inventory of Simone. She could clearly see that by the nervous energy, Simone and Zac knew each other on a much more personal level.  She was cute. Nothing to write home about.

Zac was watching Fatima's body language. The woman he held in his only two minutes ago was scared and in need of a friend. The woman who sat at Zane's bedside now, was his ex wife. The possessive, ready to beat a bitch ass over Zac woman was peaking.  But even that woman had something else going on because because when Rich walked into the room her energy shifted again. Zac couldn't quite put her demeanor into words. He knew it was time to go tho.

"Hey babe, how's lil man doing? Rich said walking over to Tima and kissing her cheek. "Zac, wassup?" He dapped Zac up and gave his attention back to Fatima.

"It looks worse than it is apparently." Fatima said scanning the lumps and bruises on her son's face. "He took a nasty fall at recess."

"This is a lot for a fall.  Are you sure?" Rich said. He was truly stunned looking at the bruising on Zane's little face.

"Yes. His school already sent over the CCTV footage from the playground. I haven't watched it yet but I saw the email come over." Fatima thought for a moment.

"Zac do you mind if I take him home tonight. Seeing him like this .."her words trailed off.

"Zac, where's boo-boo?" Fatima just realized that Zac was supposed to be caring for Jake's daughter but she was no where in sight.

"She's at the daycare center at the office. You know it's fine if you take him. You sure tho? This might be a lot. "

Fatima whipped her head in Zac's direction. "Zac don't you dare." She threatened.  She thought Zac thought she wouldn't be able to handle Zane like this."

"T. That's not what it is. I am just asking."

"I wanna go home w daddy" Zane whined alerting the room."

Fatima's eyes shot down to her son. "Awww baby. How do you feel?" She said now standing to examine him better.

"My head hurts. Daddy can we go home?" Zane looked around spotting his father.

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