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After the four of you eat the meal that Senju nearly slaved over, Wakasa and Takeomi put out the fire and clean up Senju's cooking area

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After the four of you eat the meal that Senju nearly slaved over, Wakasa and Takeomi put out the fire and clean up Senju's cooking area.

"Man, what I would do for some water right about now," she shakes her head and lets out a sigh as she clears the remainder of the smoke from the fire out of her face.

"We could go for a supply run," Takeomi agrees as he sits down beside her.

"And it might be a good idea to get out of this spot in case anyone's already on their way," Wakasa agrees.

"Where would we even go?" Senju then shrugs. "Some kind of grocery store? I bet those would be packed with people."

"We're right by the Tokyo Dome, aren't we?" you then interrupt. "There will probably be water, medical supplies, and whatever else you need there."

"Not the Dome," Wakasa shakes his head, "but something similar. Y/N's got a good point. It'll probably be our best shot. It's close and most likely won't be the first place being raided for supplies."

"Then let's do it," Senju smiles as she stands to her feet. You notice your stolen gun is stuck in the pocket of her long coat so, until you can get it back, you'll stay on her good side.

"Can you walk, Y/N?" Takeomi then asks you as the two men stand to their feet.

"Yeah," you say a bit worriedly as you grab onto the nearest tree to help support you while you stand on your feet. Your body screams at you to stay seated, but there's no way you're sitting this out. Water sounds amazing and you don't want to be left alone again.

"Don't worry," Wakasa sighs as he approaches you, "You don't have to tell me, Senju. She's my responsibility. I'll keep an eye on her."

"Good," she hums as she turns and starts walking with her brother by her side.

"I'm your responsibility now?" you ask Wakasa as he slides his arm around your waist. "You're not gonna sell me off like one of your other scams, are you?"

"If I did, you'd still like me," he grins as he begins to walk, hoping to catch up with the others.

"Not likely," you scoff, but Wakasa doesn't take to a reply.

When you get to the stadium, the four of you stop just outside the entrance. Tokyo Dome the green lights in front read, though you're not convinced it's the real version. Since when had there been a forest around it? The little amusement park is still there, though, looking more abandoned than ever.

"Let's split up. We can cover more ground and if something happens to one group, the other might still have a chance," Takeomi advises.

"Fine with me," Wakasa agrees.

"We'll meet back here in an hour. Grab what you can, find a bag, and fill it up. We don't know when we'll get another chance like this," Senju adds.

After Senju and Takeomi walk inside, you and Wakasa slowly do the same.

"Let's head to the left. We'll find a bag like Senju said and fill it up with whatever crap we can find," Wakasa tells you.

"Sure, but can we stop for a sec? There's a vending machine to your right and I'm dying for some water right now," you ask as you look just behind him.

When Wakasa nods, you hop over to the machine and reach into your pockets for any coins you may have.

"You're seriously going to pay for it?" Wakasa sighs.

"Well, how else am I going to get it out? I can't just pick up the machine and shake it," you tell him.

Wakasa shakes his head and balls his hand into a fist. With one quick punch, he shatters the glass case around the drinks.

"Maybe if they didn't have glass around their product, it'd be safer from people like you," you chuckle as you reach into the machine and grab a bottle of water.

"Smart idea. I'll have to write that down," Wakasa agrees as he follows your lead. "Cheers," he then adds before cracking the bottle open and taking a long sip.

After your drink break, the two of you continue to walk around the stadium for supplies. You find a backpack left behind by somebody and fill it with a few different drinks. But before long, you hear some voices and begin to walk toward them, thinking it's Senju and Takeomi.

Wakasa walks in front of you, peering around the bend to make sure it really is the two siblings.

"Shit," he whispers to himself when he pulls his body back around.

"What?! Are they okay?" you ask nervously, trying to find the answer in his eyes.

"No, it's not them, Y/N," he shakes his head as he grabs onto your shoulders roughly, pressing the tips of his fingers into your skin.

"Jesus, you're fucking hurting me, Wakasa. What's crawled up your ass? Let's just go back the way we came!"

Suddenly, you realize what it is. Whoever is out there must've seen Wakasa, because the sounds of people running start to get louder. "Hey, who's there?!" a man's voice calls out.

"We gotta go," Wakasa tells you, grabbing your hand and tugging you along as he runs away.

"Don't you have a gun or something? We can just kill them and then-"

"No, Y/N, I don't! And your foot is fucked. Can't you run any faster than this?!" he begins to get angry with the situation.

You look down and see the blood seeping out from the bandages that Takeomi gave you. Then, suddenly, your ankle twists and you fall flat to the ground. You do your best to keep yourself from yelling, but you know there's probably no point. You'll be dead in less than a minute anyway.

"Goddammit, Y/N, the fucking exit is right there," Wakasa points just across the hall. It's so close. He could just run right out and leave you behind. So why doesn't he?

"You're so fucking annoying, you know that?" he grumbles as he reaches for your good leg and pulls you around a nearby wall. "Can you even follow a simple set of directions?"

"Of course I can, but can you? What the fuck is your problem? Just leave, Wakasa!"

"Such a bitch," he shakes his head before grabbing a few napkins from off a nearby counter and stuffing them in your mouth. "Then you better listen and do as I say," he continues. Without warning, he puts his foot on your ankle and nearly crushes your leg. "Don't be pathetic. I'll distract them for you. Crawl away, Y/N, or you're fucking dead."

As tears fill up your eyes, you watch Wakasa walk away from you. He disappears around the other side of the wall, leaving you by yourself.

Left with no other choice, you get down on your hands and start to crawl toward the emergency exit. Just as you get to the door, you hear a gunshot from nearby. Your whole body shakes at the unexpected sound and you hang your head low in a moment of silence. Now you really do need to get the hell out. There's nothing stopping Senju and Takeomi from killing you now.

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now