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DAY 31

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DAY 31

You and Chifuyu sit outside the medical building on a log in front of a small fire you had made together. The sun is beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the horizon.

"Hey, uh, I forgot to ask before you left to go look for Baji, but you haven't seen Peke J around, have you?" Chifuyu gulps nervously as he looks over at you.

"Chifuyu, I've been here for a week already and now you're asking me about your cat?" you shake your head.

"Well, it's just that I know he always followed you around so I just thought..." he sighs, defeated and knowing that he may never see Peke J again.

"He was with me," you answer honestly. "He saved me from that asshole at the amusement park when I found Hakkai."

"And he didn't come back here with you?" Chifuyu then asks.

"No, I guess not," you shake your head solemnly. "I'm really sorry, Chifuyu."

"It's not your fault. He wasn't really my cat. He just followed me around. So I guess he was as much mine as he was yours," he then shrugs. "Maybe he'll come back someday."

You smile, relieved that he isn't pissed off about it. "I'm sure he will."

"What did you do, Y/N? After the whole Baji incident?" he continues to ask you.

You explain to him how you happened to run into Kisaki- the man who killed your parents and about how you used Sanzu and his group to go back and kill Kisaki's friends at the prison.

"Woah," he replies in shock once you finish the story. "We certainly live two completely different lives, don't we?"

"I guess so," you smile softly. "But that's not to say we can't be friends, right?"

Chifuyu looks at you with a serious expression on his face. "I think staying friends is good for us," he agrees.

You nod, trying to hide the tinge of disappointment that strikes you right in the stomach at his words. "Yeah, I agree. It's best to stay level-headed in these times."

Chifuyu reaches over and gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. "Don't think that I don't like you or anything," he then smiles softly. "It's just that I don't want to make things any more complicated than they already are."

You force a smile at his words. "I know. It's fine, I understand."

Chifuyu looks out across the street toward the setting sun. You can see the hurt in his eyes when he looks away from you. It hurts you to have this conversation, but he is right. It's important to focus on staying alive rather than being in a relationship or anything.

"And you're right," you then add to your previous statement. "We can't let out emotions cloud our judgment."

"It's hard," he shakes his head. "This world is so fucked up." Chifuyu then turns back to you with a small grin on his face.

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now