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After about an hour's walk (which felt like five hours ever since Hinata lost it from the dead raccoon) you finally arrive outside the airport

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After about an hour's walk (which felt like five hours ever since Hinata lost it from the dead raccoon) you finally arrive outside the airport.

"Should we make some kinda plan or..." Chifuyu whispers to the two of you. However, with just one passing glance toward Hinata, the two of you start making your way through the front door.

Almost immediately after you step through, a tall man with a shotgun jumps in front of you. It takes you a moment to recognize him as your friend's brother, but when you do, a wave of relief washes over you.

Hinata throws her arms around her brother so fast it leaves Naoto's head spinning.

"Is that her boyfriend?" Chifuyu whispers to you. "Cause they look kinda..."

"They're siblings," you smile at him as Hinata pulls away from the hug.

"You two look like you're doing well," Naoto nods in your direction as he hugs you next. "Who's your friend?"

"This is Chifuyu. He's with us, it's okay," you explain. "Is Takemichi around?"

"Yeah, right this way. I'll show you to him."

Hinata and her brother talk the whole way from the entrance of the airport, past all the security checks, and down a long hallway into one of the airflight waiting areas.

Leaning up against one of the desks in the center of the hallway you spot him. He doesn't spot your group at first until he finally hears Hinata and Naoto talking and picks up his head.

Immediately, he comes running in your direction and pulls both you and Hinata into a tight embrace. "You got my message! I'm so glad," he practically wails in your ears as his eyes and nose start running.

"Hey, uh, maybe get a tissue 'fore you get your germs all over my sister," Naoto rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry," Takemichi shakes his head while wiping his arm across his face, earning a disgusted groan from Naoto. "I'm sorry, and you are?" he then asks, finally realizing that Chifuyu's standing awkwardly beside you.

"Chifuyu," he answers, holding out his hand toward Takemichi before decidedly retracting his arm. "Now what?" he then whispers to you as you pat his shoulder.

"Is it just you two?" you then ask.

"No," Takemichi shakes his head. "The others are back here. They were playing cards before but I don't know now. I fucking lost."

"Same old Takemichi," you smile at Hinata.

In the corner at the end of the long hallway you spot two men sitting on the ground playing cards. "Hey guys," Naoto calls out. "You got a sec?"

The two of them carefully place down their cards as though they were positive the other will cheat and sneak a look the second their eyes move along to something else. Nevertheless, they still stand up and walk over to meet you.

The first of the two has long blonde hair and a collar around his neck that looks like a belt. His soft eyes shift between the three of you before he smiles and introduces himself to you as Takuya.

Then the second of the two continues to stare at you all with his hands buried deep into his pants pockets. "How many days you all got?" he suddenly asks.

"Uh, Akkun can we not get into all that right now? Look I know them so it's alright, okay?" Takemichi whispers not so quietly.

Akkun huffs as he looks at Takemichi, not quite sure what to believe.

"Hey, you wanna help me look for some food?" Naoto quietly asks Chifuyu. You watch as your friend nods in agreement before the two silently walk away.

"I have fifteen," you pipe up once Chifuyu's out of earshot.

"And I've got four," Hinata adds.

"Now you," you nod toward Akkun.

He sighs as he pulls out his left hand from his pocket and flips his wrist over to show you his number. Amongst the various tattoos he has, you see the number three glistening in bold.

"I have three, too," Takemichi tells you. "We go out and try to make one kill a day but we really struggle with it as you can tell. It's just so hard to actually pull the trigger on someone. Most of us just end up hesitating and the other person gets away."

"You're lucky you haven't been shot," you scoff while Hanma's words ring in your ear.

"You're a murderer, Y/N," he had said to you so calmly. "You don't hesitate when it comes time to do it."

"Same with us," Hinata nods as she looks over at you with eyes that scream play along!

"Yeah," you nod as well.

After a few minutes of talking with mostly Takemichi and Takuya, Chifuyu and Naoto return empty-handed.

"What happened? Nothing to eat?" you ask as Chifuyu takes you by your hand.

"Come outside, you've got to see this," he says with a straight face.

With you at his side and the rest of the group following just behind, Chifuyu leads you outside and around to the side of the airport. There, on the ground, you spot a dead horse.

"Holy shit," you gasp. But when Chifuyu looks at you with a

"What the hell is that?" Akkun scoffs.

"A horse?" Takemichi thinks aloud.

"Hey, remember that time you said you were so hungry you could eat a horse," Hinata chuckles as she nudges Takemichi in the side.

"Yeah 'cause I didn't think I'd actually have to do it," he groans.

"Can I borrow you for a second?" Chifuyu then whispers as he touches your arm.

You nod and follow him a little ways off from the group. "What's going on?" you then ask.

"Something's off. What happened while I was gone?" he asks, crossing his arms.

"Nothing," you shrug.

"Don't lie to me, Y/N."

"Jesus, how the hell'd you even catch on so quick, huh?" you scoff.

"Seriously, what happened? Do we need to get out of here?" he continues to ask worriedly.

"No, it's nothing like that," you answer uncomfortably. "It's just what they were talking about. How it's hard to kill other people. But I haven't been having a problem like that before. Does that make me a bad person? Like a psychopath or something?"

"No, of course not," he attempts to comfort you as he rubs your arms softly. "You're not crazy, Y/N. People just handle things differently, that's all."

After you nod, Chifuyu smiles softly and lifts his hand to your cheek. He then kisses you, which you reciprocate quietly.

"How did you find a horse?" you then ask suddenly as a smile appears on your lips.

"Luck, I guess," he grins.

While the two of you walk back to the horse with the others, you notice Takemichi and Hinata walking off together.

"What's that about?" you ask Naoto.

"Please," he scoffs. "I don't even want to think about what that dumbass is about to do to my sister."

"Then how 'bout we spend our energy dealing with this meat, yeah?" Chifuyu speaks up. "I don't know about you guys but I'm starving."

"Me too," you nod. "I'm in. I'll help."

"Us too," Takuya agrees as he nudges Akkun in the arm.

"Yeah, I think I'd rather do that," Naoto agrees. "Help us cut and I know where to store it."

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now