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With the gun clutched in your dominant hand, you approach the group of five

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With the gun clutched in your dominant hand, you approach the group of five. You hardly pay much mind as you get strange looks from others nearby until Sanzu notices you. "Shit," he mutters under his breath, shaking his head as he approaches you.

"Don't get any closer!" you shout as you raise the gun to him.

"Are you fucking serious right now?" he scoffs. "I don't bring you your towel in five minutes and you threaten to kill me? You take bratting to the next level, princess," he then half-jokes.

"Fuck you, Sanzu. You know how I feel about the games you fucking play," you remind him loudly.

"Look, you need to calm down," he whispers as he continues to approach you cautiously. "I was just convincing the four of them to be on your side for this whole purge thing you wanna do. But if you keep threatening me they're not going to trust you."

Unsure about his words, you look behind him and see the four men watching you curiously.

"If you kill me, you're screwed, Y/N. South will kill you in a split second," he grins.

"Why does that make you so damn happy?" you grumble as he gets so close that his chest presses up against the barrel of your new gun.

"Cause you look so damn hot like that. Half naked and threatening me with my life. What's better than a trip to hell with my beloved?" he whispers hotly in your ear as he covers you with the towel he had brought.

The next thing you know, he takes a step back and it's like you are suddenly snapped out of his trance. You hate how he does that to you.

"Come on, play nice," he tells you as he slides his hands smoothly into yours.

As Sanzu walks you over toward the others, you can hear Draken whispering words of praise in your ear- praising you for not killing someone. How fucked up is that?

"Good job," he hums through a breath of wind. "You can do this without violence. Remember that."

First, the world ends and you're forced to kill people in order to survive. Your entire life just stopped at the drop of hat. And now you're being haunted by someone you murdered. A friend. You don't know what's worse and it all pisses you off. You can feel your grip tightening on the gun that's now pointing at the ground. Since when did you stop aiming at Sanzu?

"What was that all about?" Ran asks you directly.

"I almost got poisoned for a second time today. Can you blame me for being a bit upset?" you respond before Sanzu has the chance to step in. However, you can feel his eyes burning a hole into the side of your head. He's certainly not satisfied with your answer.

Luckily, you manage to navigate your way through the conversation without raising any eyebrows and go through the rest of the day without causing any problems. However, Sanzu does end up putting you in your place behind closed doors, leaving you muttering all kinds of promises beneath him.

After Sanzu falls asleep, you stare up at the ceiling with your mind racing. Every time you try to shut your eyes, all you see is Draken and it is driving you crazy. And so, in the middle of the night you wake up and throw on one of Sanzu's shirts. You also grab your new pistol and walk out of the devil's mouth.

Outside, you see some of the others passed out in a few grassy areas. Nobody else is awake, they all fell asleep one way or another. It's a bit creepy with so many bodies. Who is supposed to be on guard tonight? Maybe it was Ran who took a bit too much of the oxy and passed out instead.

But despite the sleeping members of Sanzu's group surrounding you, a voice continues to haunt you. Draken just won't shut the hell up. What could possibly be loud enough to get him to be quiet?

Soon, it hits you. Nearby, you spot the small food court area where only one person lies passed out on the benches. South.

Your grip on the gun in your hand tightens as you approach him. There are so many people around. It'd be so easy for them to wake up and find you. You'll have to make sure nobody hears it. However, you don't have a pillow to muffle the sound.

Then you remember your knife back in the devil's mouth- the one that Izana let you keep when you first entered the amusement park. Nobody would be able to trace a stab wound back to you as long as you clean off your knife.

Quickly and quietly you walk back to the devil's mouth and swap out your gun with the knife you had stolen from Kazutora after killing him.

You then approach South and raise the knife in your hand. Still, Draken screams in your ear, telling you to stop. Begging you to find another way. Yet you still ignore him even as your knife slices straight through South's back. And it begins to fade, slipping away amongst the sounds of your knife sliding in and out of South's torso.

Five times you must have stabbed him before he stands up and turns around to face you. Your knife goes clattering to the ground beneath the bench he was sitting on as he stands up and towers above you.

"The fuck are you tryin' do, girl?" he grumbles as he picks you up by the throat just like he had in the mall back when you first met him.

"Nothing," you squeak out as you try to pry his fingers off of you. "Let me explain."

"Explain what? How you were planning on killing me? You just stabbed me, you bitch!" he spits in your face.


"That's it," he gleams as he watches all the blood drain from your head. "Beg me for your life. Your life is in my hands, not Sanzu's."

"And yours is in mine," another voice calls out. You can hear a gun cock just as South turns his head to the side.

"Not you, too," he shakes his head. "Come on Kakucho. Look at the blood on my fucking back."

"Put her down," Kakucho responds, his voice staying strong.

"Or what? You shoot? Go on, try it. I just survived five knife wounds."

Without another word, Kakucho shoots. Then, probably from a mix of blood loss and a shot in his knee, he loosens his grip on you and lets you slip away.

"Stay behind me," Kakucho says as he keeps his gun trained on South.

"You always were a son of a bitch," Kakucho spits. "You think everybody's fucking beneath you."

"Kakcuho-" South calls out just before a second gunshot rings out. And now South's body is lying flat against the ground, a puddle of blood growing bigger around his head.

"Shit," he whispers to himself.

"What did you do that for?!" you gasp as you realize the severity of the situation. "Jesus, you shoulda killed me instead, you idiot!"

"Calm down," he shakes his head. "We're not leaving here. Let them come to us."

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now