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A random song that I'd never heard of before starts playing on the radio as I'm driving my car down the road. I then look down at my phone, double-checking the directions to the Operation Finally Home that I'm driving to. After putting in my application over a year ago, the company finally decided to help me get a home and help with my severe PTSD. However, I'm already five minutes late for my interview, and my palms begin to sweat. My whole body then begins to shake and I start feeling nauseous. When I look back up at the road, I feel so disoriented that I hardly even hear a small bell ringing or a man on a bike waving his hand at me.

When I finally do snap back into reality, I try to slam on the brakes but instead hit the bike. I watch as the man goes straight under the car and my whole body freezes. I pull the car over and wait for my breathing to calm down before I get out of the car and rush to the man's side.

Thankfully, I know CPR. However, after twenty minutes, I know I have to give up. Instead, I check his pulse.


"Wake up, dammit!" I shout as I grab the man's head and slap his cheeks slightly. "I'm so sorry, man. I didn't mean to hit you. Please, please, wake up."

I then look around. The whole road must be completely abandoned or something. Nobody has come along since I ran over the bike.

"Shit," I mutter to myself as I stand up and walk to the man's feet.

I continue to curse to myself as I start to drag his body over toward the forest on the side of the road. With a deep breath, I sit him up and lean him back against a tree. I then walk away for a brief moment to bring the bike over as well.

When I finish, I take a step back and look at the dead body sitting limp against the tree. Looking down at my hands, I'm completely shaking. There's nothing left for me to do. I need to go.

When I get into my car, I turn around back the way I came. I drive back to town and park my car at the nearby church.

When the car's in park, I reach into the backseat of my car and grab my duffle bag. I dig through it for an extra pair of clothes and change into a fresh outfit that doesn't smell like shit or have blood stains on it.

After changing, I take another breath and open the car door. I walk toward the church and stop just outside the door. I'm not religious. Why the hell am I here?

"Just do it, man," I hear a voice chuckle behind me. When I turn around, I see an older man watching me patiently. "Open the goddamn door or I'll tell him to release a plague on your ass. I go here regularly so me and God are fucking tight!"

"And does he know you curse at strangers?" I smile slightly.

"Look, I'm not standing here judging you so why're you doin' it?" he then asks calmly.

"I'm sorry," I shake my head. "I've just never done this before. Well, at least not since I was a kid. I don't really know why I'm here..."

"So then why did you come here?" he then asks.

"What do you care?"

"Well, you are blocking the entrance and I'm waiting to go in so since we're both standing here I might as well talk to you," he smiles softly.

I shake my head before turning back to face the door. I quickly put my hand on the doorknob and step inside before I can hear another word from that stranger.

"Thanks, kid," he pats me on the shoulder before walking past.

I follow him slowly as we make our way toward the front of the church... Everything all feels so surreal to me as I follow the man like some lost puppy. When we approach the front of the church, he sits down and pats the spot beside him.

"Sit down, kid," he tells me. "You've gotta wait for one of the priests to free up so they can hear you're confession. You don't gotta say it out loud to everybody in here, ya know. It's not A.A.," he then chuckles.

"I knew that," I lie as I sit down beside him.

The two of us then sit together quietly as we wait for our turn. Not long after, another person gets up from their spot beside a priest and kneels at the end of the altar.

"You're up, kid," the stranger nudges me. "Are ya ready?"

"My turn? What about you?" I ask, turning to face him.

"Don't worry 'bout me. I can wait. Just hope you don't get one 'a those judgy ones," he smiles.

With a deep breath, I stand up and walk toward a young-looking priest who's staring down at a beaded necklace.

"Uh, hey," I whisper as I sit down in the chair connected to his.

"Uh, hey?" he repeats. "What happened to 'forgive me for I have sinned'?"

"Forgive me, father-" I then begin before he cuts me off.

"Do you even know the Act of Contrition?" he then sighs.

"Don't tell me you're one of the judgy ones," I mutter aloud accidentally.

"Nah, that'd be Father Capriestsun," he tells me with a straight face.


"Forget it," he shakes his head. "What're you confessing?"

I look down at my sweaty hands as my brain nearly freezes while I try to think of what to say. "I, uh," I begin.

"C'mon. You're only human. Mistakes happen," he tells me.

"Do priests usually say things like that?" I then ask, looking over at him.

"I'm not as old-fashioned as the rest of the guys here," he then whispers and winks at me. "Is it bad?"

It's then that I finally confess my sin to the priest. It felt a lot better than I thought it would, too. If not for that man who walked in with me, I probably would've turned around and gone somewhere else instead.

"I've gotta go to the cops, don't I?" I sigh as I ask the priest.

"That's not really my place to say," he then shrugs. "But I think you should do what feels best for you."

"So you're telling me to do the right thing," I hum. "Well I guess-"

Before I can finish speaking, there's suddenly a high-pitched, ringing in my ear. I think I'm the only one who can hear it- probably a symptom of the stress I'm under- but as I'm bent forward with my hands on my ears, I notice the young priest is doing the same.

A few moments later, when it stops, we both sit up and look at each other. The priest is the first to notice that we're now the only two left in the church, followed by me when I try to follow his gaze.

"What the hell just happened?" he asks.

"You heard it too, right?" I reply.

"That noise that sounded like we just took an elevator straight into the deepest pits of hell? Yeah, I heard it. What the fuck do we do now?"

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now