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"Hey, hey, calm down now," a voice calls out

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"Hey, hey, calm down now," a voice calls out. You turn your gun with your body and point it at a tall man with short black hair. "That's my sister, okay? Please don't shoot her. Your friends are safe. My brother's with the woman right now."

"So, what, you're all just a big fucking family here?" Baji scoffs, pointing his gun at the man as well.

"Three of us are siblings, is that so strange? The other two are siblings as well but they're unrelated."

"M...my name's Emma," the woman tells you, stealing your attention and the direction of your gun again. "And my brother over there is Shinichiro. I promise that your friend is safe. I can take you to her right now... Just put the gun down."

You look over at Baji and wait for the small nod he gives you before lowering his gun. "You better show me, no bullshit!" you tell the woman as you lower your gun.

"Okay, follow me."

The woman leads you through the health center and toward one of the small patient rooms. She then knocks on the door before entering, allowing you to follow in right behind her.

There she is, laying in the bed, with a blonde man hovering over her. That must be the doctor.

"Hi Y/N," Hinata calls out to you softly when she sees you walk into the room.

You briefly look in Draken's direction, smiling quietly at him before you walk over to Hinata. "Hey," you reply, trying not to cry tears of joy that you're both still alive. "How are you feeling?"

"Terrible, to be honest," she sighs. "I'm sorry."

"No," you shake your head. "Don't say that. I'm just glad that you're getting the help you need. I'm sorry this happened to you."

"How many fucking people are you gonna allow to stay in here, Emma?" her brother groans.

"She had a gun to my head, what was I supposed to do, Mikey?!"

"Uh, how about say 'you're just going to have to fucking wait'?" he retaliates, looking up at you briefly before going back to his work. "Get them both out. If they want my help then that's what I require."

"Well you heard him," Emma sighs as she slides her hands into the back pockets of her pants. "Time to go."

"No, Y/N, please don't go," Hinata sobs.

"I'll be right outside," you whisper to her before kissing her on her forehead. "I promise."

"Okay," she whispers softly.

Just as you and Draken walk toward the door, the doctor calls out to you again. "She's going to have to stay the night, just so you know. Better get yourselves settled in."

"Shit," Emma grumbles as she lets you walk out of the room first. "You want them to stay longer?"

"Not exactly like we want to be here," you roll your eyes as you pass her.

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now