𝟺𝟽 | 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝙶𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗

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As you walk down the hallway from Kisaki's room, you notice Hanma leaning up against one of the far walls, eyeing you carefully

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As you walk down the hallway from Kisaki's room, you notice Hanma leaning up against one of the far walls, eyeing you carefully. However, you ignore the idiot for now and continue on your way. You end up making your way to the small courtyard in the center most likely used as outdoor time for inmates when the jail was actually up and running. How annoyingly ironic is it that this is where Kisaki's been hiding?

Just as you take in a deep breath of the warm air, you hear someone clear their throat behind you. Slowly, you close your eyes and prepare yourself for who you know was following you.

"What's goin' on with you?" he asks as you turn yourself to face him. "You look all worked up leavin' that room so soon."

"I'm sure you're happy about that," you scoff. "How'd you even find him?"

"You told me, remember? 'Lucky me, I met the strangest guy'. Ring a bell?" he laughs softly. "I mean, you even told me his name!"

"But you actually found him..."

"And you," he hums, changing the subject. "Now tell me what you're hiding."

"Hiding? I've got nothing on me besides the pistol I'll shoot you with if you get too close to me," you grin, taking a step away from him.

"Don't play dumb with me," he snaps, slinking around your back and completely circling around you.

"I'm not," you then scoff.

"You're lying," he answers as he quickly grabs onto your wrist and flips it over. "Twenty-two. It's gone up."

"Has yours?" you ask as you yank your arm out of his grip.

"Will you be disappointed if I say no? Or impressed?" he smirks as he starts to walk off. You narrow your eyes at him as you realize what game he's playing- trying to make you follow after him.

"Why would I be impressed? You'd have to be impressive in order for that to happen," you scoff, refusing to walk after him.

Hanma stops and looks over his shoulder casually. "Have you not figured it out?"

He then waits for your answer, but when it doesn't come, he finally turns back to face you. "Of course I had to hurt other people to find you again, my dear, but I didn't always have to kill to get what I want."

"But if you don't kill then that means you're... losing days on purpose?" your eyebrows knit together as you start to piece it all together. What kind of a psycho thinks that way? He hurts people, gets them to the edge of death, and then leaves them alive so he can get some high off of it?


"You're a fucking pig," you scoff. "You enjoy it way more than you should."

"Ha! You're one to talk," he shakes his head, approaching you slowly. "How come you're here? Why aren't you leaving? I know you hate that guy. So fucking kill him already."

"We have unfinished business," you roll your eyes. You don't owe him any kind of explanation.

"Oh, really? Even after the two of you just-"

"You see the dirt on the ground here?" you then ask him, interrupting his sentence. "It gets stepped on and walked over by criminals. By you. But that fucking dirt has more worth than Kisaki ever will. You're a pig but he's not even worthy of an insult."

With that, Hanma nods softly. You can see a small grin grow on the corner of the left side of his lips, but it soon fades when he looks up at you- his eyes wide with sincerity.

"What's the plan?"

"Guess I'll tell you when it's time," you answer.

Just then, Hanma looks at the watch on his right wrist. "Well, it's only a few minutes after midnight right now..."

You watch in slow motion as something clicks inside Hanma's head. He looks over at his left wrist and checks the number. "Still three," he whispers to himself, causing your blood to run cold. "My number hasn't gone down. How odd."

"You had a four just a few minutes ago," you gulp as you take a step back away from him. "Get some sleep, your eyes must need a break."

"I can tell when you're lying," he catches you before you can get too far. "Such a little faker. If it's just my eyes and I'm going crazy then you should have a twenty-one on your wrist now."

What else can you do but show him? If you don't, he'll only know you've got more information about the loophole than he does. So, playing dumb, you show him your wrist. The number twenty-two still shines bright.

"Isn't that odd," he hums to himself. "I don't think I've ever noticed that before. Have you?"

"No, I don't think so," you shake your head calmly. "Maybe we just lose a day at one o'clock, not at midnight."

"Huh," he responds plainly. You can tell he's still trying to think it through. "Maybe us talking shit about Kisaki gave us an extra day," he then laughs. "Shit, I'm going to get some sleep. Wanna come with?"

"Is that your invitation to sleep with you? No thanks. In case that was never clear enough," you smile.

"Ouch. Friend zoned," he shakes his head as he walks closer to the nearby door. "G'night, Y/N. See you in the morning."

"Goodnight," you wave back as you watch him open the door and walk inside.

You sigh to yourself as you walk into the center of the little courtyard. You miss your friends. Chifuyu. Hinata. Baji. Takemichi.


You still can't believe he's dead. Or that you killed him.

Thoughts race through your mind as you lay down and gaze up at the night sky above you. Somehow, despite how different this new world is, the sky still looks the same.

You wonder if Draken's up there. Would he be watching over you, happy that you did what he asked? Or maybe he's pissed because of your terrible decisions.

Either way, everything will be set straight once you figure out what you're going to do with Kisaki.

Revenge is going to be sweet.

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now