𝟷𝟷 | 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙰𝚕𝚘𝚎

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"Okay so now you're finally ready to acknowledge what happened that day?" Sanzu scoffs

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"Okay so now you're finally ready to acknowledge what happened that day?" Sanzu scoffs.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you, Sanzu. You fucking murdered that guy!" you remind him.

"Well, it was either him or you. If I didn't kill him he would've just come back eventually," he explains.

"How can you expect me to thank you for fucking killing someone?" you begin to raise your voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Next time I'll just let you get murdered then," he rolls his eyes.

"Okay, okay, let's calm down please," Kakucho interrupts. "Sanzu, what was your point in asking her about that day?"

"Cause I beat that man to fucking deal, dumbass," Sanzu snaps. "When I showed up, I had five on my hand and you only had two. So that means beating someone to death with your own two hands awards you three points."

"Points?" you finally ask. "Why do you keep saying that?"

"Points, days, same thing," he shrugs.

"But how did Y/N only get two points if she shot that lady twice and killed the guy with her?" Kakucho then interrupts.

"I only killed one of them," you gulp. "Baji killed the first man."

Right after you say that, Kakucho grabs Baji's hand and flips over his wrist.

"Wow, Father," Sanzu smirks. "I wasn't expecting that from you!"

"Oh please, it was one shot," Baji scoffs as he pulls back his arm.

"What're we supposed to do now?" you finally ask. "Are we just going to kill people for the rest of our lives?"

"Dunno," Sanzu shrugs, smirking slightly at his answer. "Sounds like it."

"God, you are a fucking sicko!" Baji shakes his head.

"Well, what the hell do you suggest then, priest?" Kakucho asks sarcastically.

"If you're really asking then I'd say we need to figure out how we got here. How we can go back," Baji begins, but as he starts to talk all you can think of was that strange-looking deer you had seen outside the jewelry store.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Draken suddenly asks as he touches your shoulder lightly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you blink as you bring yourself back to reality. "Hey, have either of you guys seen any deer around here? Or weird-looking animals?"

"Uhh, no..." Sanzu replies, looking at you strangely. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Well, our minute is up," Draken nods as he pats your shoulder. "Time to go, Y/N."

Sanzu looks over at you and watches closely as you still try to shake yourself back into reality. "You going with those guys?" he then asks.

If you're being completely honest, Sanzu always scared the crap out of you. Though you're pretty sure he didn't mean what he said before about just letting you die next time, you don't really want to chance things with him right now. Besides, it's either him or a priest and a sergeant. And when you put it that way, it's not really much of a competition.

"Yes," you reply plainly. But before you can stand, Sanzu leans even further over the counter and grabs you by your shirt. Immediately, Baji and Draken bolt over and grab onto your shoulder, not letting Sanzu fully pull you over the counter.

"You're fucking dead to me, Y/N," he tells you. "Don't let me find you again or I'll end you myself."

With that, he pushes you back. Luckily, the other two catch you just in time.

"Come on," Baji nudges you as he looks back at Kakucho and Sanzu. "Let's go."

"You better fuckin' run!" Sanzu laughs wickedly. "I'll give you all a two minutes head start since I've got such a soft spot for Y/N. But you still better run before we come hunting you down!"

When the three of you open the door, you all run as fast as you can. Though your leg hurts like hell, you stumble as far away from Sanzu as fast as you can.

After some time, the three of you make it to the nearby park where you had gone the day before to the festival.

Behind a restroom building, you sink down to the grassy ground and catch your breath. "Shit," you grumble. "That hurts like a bitch!"

"What the fuck was that?!" Draken then asks you.

"Don't blame them on me," you say as breathe heavily. "With me, we would've been fucking dead."

"You really know those freaks?" Baji then asks nervously.

"I used to work with them. It's not like I chose them to be my friends. Don't you remember seeing them at the club? Technically, you know them, too, Baji," you remind him.

"Vaguely," he shrugs.

"That's fine," Draken shakes his head. "It's probably a good thing they didn't recognize you, Baji."

"If everything they said was true, how come you only came here with a three?" you then ask Draken randomly, upon thinking about what Sanzu and Kakucho were telling you. "You were in the war, weren't you?"

"I was," he nods, "But maybe that didn't count. Perhaps because it was something I was forced to do?" he then shrugs. "I mean, think about it, here it's all on purpose."

"Well did you hit that biker on purpose?" you then ask him, not to be rude, but to set the record straight.

Baji looks at him with curious eyes as Draken scoffs at your question.

"No," he tells you. "Are you serious? Do you really think I'd fucking run over some guy because I felt like it?! I told you I went to fucking confess!"

"But you didn't turn yourself in..."

"Y/N, it had just happened. I didn't have time to. What are you trying to prove?" he then asks.

"I don't know," you then sigh as your posture relaxes. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't've said that. I'm just kind of freaking out that someone like Sanzu is really out there. I mean, he really wants to kill people!"

"We know," Baji nods as he sits down beside you. "It's screwed up, but it's the world we live in now. We're going to have to figure out a way to survive while also keeping our morals alive."

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now