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After you pull away from Chifuyu's kiss, you're not sure what to think

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After you pull away from Chifuyu's kiss, you're not sure what to think. It is quite literally the end of the world, shouldn't you be focusing on clearing the rest of the mall instead of pondering whether or not to kiss him again.

But then again, it is the end of the world. If not now, when? And so, you decide to kiss him again. Climbing into his lap, you wrap your arm around the back of his head and kiss him.

Chifuyu's hands travel down your sides and rest on your ass which he squeezes hard while kissing you back. Soft moans then travel from between your lips and onto his tongue. You can feel yourself begin to relax in his arms as thoughts about everything else disappear.

You rotate your hips around his lap, making sure he knows you can feel the bulge growing beneath you. Chifuyu responds with a harsher grip on your ass.

"Turn around," he tells you as he lifts you up. "Lose the pants, too."

You grin as you get off his lap. And as you lower your pants, you make sure to go slowly. Teasing him as his eyes stay trained to the way your hips sway as you reveal yourself to him.

The second your clothes are out of the way, he sits you back down on his lap. But this time, you're facing away from him. You can feel his hands trail up and down your back as you arch against him, starting to crave more.

Chifuyu nibbles at the side of your neck as you grind down against him. You can tell he's enjoying your patience.

"Chifuyu?" you call out to him softly.

"Hm," he whispers as he licks the side of your neck.

"If you don't hurry up Hinata's going to think we're dead," you hum.

"You're so damn impatient," he grins against your skin.

"I'm telling you to fuck me, Chifuyu, don't act like you're so much better," you scoff.

"Maybe I'll just stop here then," he answers as he kisses your skin once more and pulls away.

You smirk to yourself as you turn your head to the side to get a better look at him. "I fucking dare you."

In a split second, Chifuyu pushes your ass up. And when he places you back down, you can feel yourself sink down against his length.

"Shit," you gasp as he helps you sit down on his lap.

"You took it so well, good job," he chuckles.

"Were you expecting me to be drooling on my lap?" you scoff.

"There's still time for that sweetheart," he hums as he traces his hands down your back. "Don't be too cocky."

With nothing as a warning, Chifuyu smacks your ass hard with his palm. You let out a quick cry until he reaches his hand around your front and places two of his fingers in your mouth.

"Stay quiet, okay? Don't be too loud in case we're not alone," he tells you before kissing your cheek.

"Mhm," you nod.

"Good, now start moving your hips," he commands as he reaches his fingers around your waist, slowly guiding you the way he wants. But despite his slow pace to start, he's soon got you bouncing up and down his length like there literally will be no tomorrow.

Your mouth hangs open as you look up toward the tall ceiling. As the sky continues to darken, you find yourself closer and closer to your edge.

Chifuyu reaches one of his hands around your waist and slides down between your legs, rubbing your clit with his long fingers.

You can feel your walls tighten as the familiar knot in your stomach begins to form- growing and growing until your eventually snap. You grip down hard on his thighs beneath, digging your nails into his skin as you rush over the edge.

Once you catch your breath, Chifuyu quickly pushes you off of him and places you back to stand on your feet. He curses to himself as he fixes his pants to look decent.

"Sorry," he grumbles as he watches you fix your clothes. "I just didn't want to..."

"Don't apologize, I'm kind of glad you didn't," you answer as you accept dust yourself off and fix your shirt, making sure Hinata won't notice anything off-looking when you make your way back to her again.

"Good thing we're in a mall. Maybe I can find some condoms," he laughs as he stands up and pushes in his chair. "Come on, let's get back."

"You're such a weirdo, you know that?" you roll your eyes. "I don't know why I just let you do that."

"I'm irresistible," he winks in your direction as the two of you start to walk out of the food court.

"Yeah right," you laugh. "More like you make me so pissed off that I don't know where to put all of my anger."

"You didn't seem all that angry before," he then hums, obviously testing you.

"Oh, I was," you scoff. But when you look at him, you see a dangerous smirk on his lips proving you're about to step right into his trap. "I thought you wanted to get those condoms first."

"They can wait," he grins, grabbing onto your hand. "C'mon. There's a broken elevator we can stop at on our way back."

With a laugh, you allow Chifuyu to drag you down the hallway. You both nearly run through the mall until you get where he had suggested you stop.

Quickly, he peers around the corner before opening the elevator door and pushing you in.

"Time for round two."

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now