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"Where the hell have you two been?" Ran asks as you and Sanzu walk back through the entrance to the amusement park

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"Where the hell have you two been?" Ran asks as you and Sanzu walk back through the entrance to the amusement park.

"Uh, out? Like we said we would be?" Sanzu nearly rolls his eyes.

"Well, there's been some talk while the two of you were gone. South and Taiju were both runnin' their mouths about how you've gone soft for your pretty little girlfriend," he explains.

"They've got shit to say about Y/N?" Sanzu then questions.

Ran looks over at you for a moment before glancing back at his friend. "They're worried about you."

"Did they not see me get punched in the nose or kicked in the gut?" you scoff, interrupting.

"Not now, Y/N," Sanzu tells you as his eyebrows knit together. "Ran's saying they think I've gone soft 'cause I didn't kill ya like I said I would the first time."

Ran nods in agreement, verifying Sanzu's beliefs. "Well what the fuck do you want me to do to prove my loyalty?"

"Prove your loyalty?" Sanzu repeats. You can see his shoulders relax as he turns slightly to face you. "Y/N, what are you up to?"

"What do you mean?" you scoff, feigning ignorance. "I'm staying with your group so I want to-"

"If you lie you only dig yourself deeper into the hole you're in," Ran chimes in. "Tell us the truth."

"It's not a bad thing," you grumble. This was really not the way you wanted to ask Sanzu to help you. "But there's this other group."

"Oh, fuck, what did you do, Y/N?" Sanzu groans as he pinches the bridge of his nose in an attempt to calm his nerves.

"Nothing! They're not after me or anything. They just made things a bit too personal and tried to hurt me, too," you continue to explain.

"And that group... do you care for their leader?" Sanzu hums.

"N-no, what? Why would I-"

"Good. Only I should be able to make you get all this excited," he then nods to himself.

"I'm literally trying to ask you to help me kill these fuckers. The only reason I haven't done it myself yet is because he's got a bunch of loyal followers. They'll kill me without a second thought."

"We should go back and talk to this somewhere more private," Ran then says to you both. "Come on, I'll show you two where I've been staying."

When Sanzu nods, the two of you follow Ran past the entrance of the amusement park, past the kiddie rides, and into an abandoned-looking miniature castle.

He then welcomes you into one of the first rooms and shuts the door behind you. "Take a seat," he offers, pointing to the two sofas against either wall of the small room.

"Now, Y/N," Sanzu huffs as you sit down. "Tell us about this group."

"Sure, but first I want to know if you're in. I'm not going to go through the trouble of explaining if you're not going to help," you agree, looking over at Ran who's now approaching the two of you.

"You already know I'm in, Y/N. Why would you even need to-"

"She's not even looking at you, stupid," Ran groans as he shakes his head and sits down beside you. You can nearly hear Sanzu grinding his teeth as he watches his friend getting too close to you.

"Go fuck your-" Sanzu begins until you cut him off.

"He killed my parents. Fucking chopped 'em up into little bits and fed them to pigs," you sigh as you look down at your hands in your lap.

"There's pigs around here?" Sanzu hums.

"Really? That's what you're so fucking concerned about? You were so upset just a few seconds ago and now you're thinking about fucking food?" Ran rolls his eyes. "Anyways, Y/N, continue..."

You continue to tell the two of them the story of your past and how recent events led you to find him again even after the end of the world.

"So what do you think?" you ask Ran when you're done, biting the inside of your cheek as you await his answer.

"How many of them are there?" he replies.

"No more than two dozen," you shake your head. "If we can convince the others-"

"If we can convince the others," Sanzu chimes in, "Two dozen isn't even all that much. You and I just took care of ten by ourselves."

"I don't know about you, but I don't have a fucking death wish," Ran rolls his eyes. "Y/N, I'll talk to my brother about it but consider us both in. However, we'll only be in as long as you get South and Taiju in."

"Didn't you just say that they didn't like me?" you grumble.

"No," he shakes his head. "I said they're concerned that Sanzu is going soft."

"I'll talk to them. Fuck if I'll go soft," he scoffs. "Besides, I'll have them see you as an asset instead of a burden."

"Good," Ran nods. "Now please go. I love the company, I promise I do. Besides, it's so much better than dealing with my idiot brother all the time, but I need a drink and some time to think all this over."

"We understand," Sanzu answers as he looks in your direction, cueing you to say the same.

"Thank you for considering, Ran," you nod. "And if there's anything else-"

"Anything else?" he hums intrigued. "Are you about to bribe me, darling?"

Sanzu frowns as he hears Ran's words fall from his lips. "Watch your-"

"Is there something you want?" you ask curiously. You'd do anything at this point just to get rid of Kisaki from the same planet as you. You finally understand that saying 'the world's not big enough for the two of us'.

"Oxy," he answers plainly. "Get me some oxy and bring it back. Then I might reconsider giving you an answer before South and Taiju."

"Deal," you answer quickly, despite how Sanzu starts to open his lips in protest. "I'll get it for you as soon as I can, I promise."

"Good girl," he nods. "Now go on, it's not going to get itself."

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now