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"What did you say?" you grumble, still face down in the sink.

"Oh? Did you not know? Pigs enjoy the taste of human flesh," he whispers as he stands up and walks over to you. You can feel his presence right behind you and chills run down your body as his hands grip your sides.

Quickly, he spins you around to face him, probably relishing in the fear he sees in your eyes as you put two-and-two together. Your parents were found in pig shit, fed to pigs like they were worthless. And this whole time it was him.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" he asks softly as though nothing out of the ordinary is happening. "You look as though you've seen a ghost."

"I'm fine," you shake your head. "I just wasn't expecting that from you."

"Oh really?" he chuckles. "Are you underestimating me? That'll be a fatal flaw if you keep that up, Y/N."

"What did you say you did before coming here?" you fake smile as you gently slide your fingers up his arms, trying to play along with this fucked up game he's playing. "Like, your job."

"I was a debt collector," he answers, smirking.

Of fucking course you were, you think to yourself.

"Mmm," you nod as you wrap your arms around his neck. You then tug him down to you and kiss him deeply. If you really want to get your revenge on this guy, you're going to have to come up with a foolproof plan. And just like how you did with Mitsuya, you'll have to keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

When you pull back from the kiss, Kisaki stumbles backward and reaches for a glass of water on the table. "Jesus, I know I said you were hot but I just watched you puke in my sink for the past five minutes. Fuck!"

"Where did you say the rest of your group was?" you change the subject. You're really not in the mood to have a meaningless conversation with this asshole.

"At the prison," he answers after drinking and placing the glass of water back down. "Want to come along?"


Together, you and Kisaki walk quietly back to the prison where the rest of his group has been staying. He guides you inside and shows you to the center hallway where a few others are sitting.

You're a bit more than a little surprised to see two familiar faces sitting amongst the group. One of them suddenly stands up and makes his way toward you, his earring chiming as he walks. How that doesn't bother him, you'll never know.

"That fucking bitch!" he shouts. "She's the one who almost fucking killed me in the park! Her and that shitty asshole who stabbed me like ten times!"

"Oh, please, it was more like five. Surprised you survived that by the way," you scoff, not letting him get to you despite how close he comes to his face. However, he's suddenly pulled back by the other familiar group member.

"Back up, don't crowd the girl," the tall man grins as he looks down at you.

"Hanma," you nod. "I see you're still alive. Guess that one didn't drop down to a zero yet."

"Aw, you care," he drawls as he pushes Kazutora away from the two of you. "I knew you missed me."

"I didn't say that," you smirk. "Besides," you add, reaching for Kisaki's hand and intertwining your fingers with his. Slowly. Making sure it's all Hanma sees. "I'm taken."

Hanma glares over at Kisaki, who simply shrugs. "We'll be back in a bit. I'm going to show Y/N around a bit."


And by that, he meant show you his room. He brings you right into a hallway that must have been solitary confinement and pushes you down onto his bed. Your heart beats fast as you watch him pull his shirt over his head and bend closer to you.

Pushing you down on the bed until your head bumps against the uncomfortable pillow.

Crushing you as his body hovers above yours, nearly sucking all the air out of your lungs without even needing to touch you. You can almost hear your bones crunch beneath you. He's going to break you at this rate.

Pulling you while his teeth tug against your bottom lip as he kisses you, attempting to seduce you though it'll never happen.

Your eyes water as you stare up at the sky. You never imagined in your wildest nightmares that you'd ever be in a world quite as terrible as this one. What would Draken say? Or your parents?

As Kisaki leans over top of you, the number imprinted on his wrist catches your eye and it makes your stomach churn. One hundred thirty-four.

"I know a group you can join. Leader's got over a hundred. If you can find him and appeal to him, he'd probably let you join."

That's what Kokonoi had said to you about the group at the amusement park. Perhaps they relocated after Hakkai's attack on Kazutora. Either that, or, there's more than one person with over a hundred on their arm.

After a few minutes of kissing you bruisingly hard, Kisaki flips you on top of him and grips down hard onto your waist. "Don't try anything funny, Y/N," he says darkly.

"What could I possibly do?" you smirk as you reach for the gun on the waistband of his pants. You then trail it down his chest as he watches you very carefully.

"Are you scared?" you chuckle.

"No. Don't be cocky. It's not a good look on you," he then scoffs.

"Do you ever shut up?" you grin. "You look a bit nervous. Are you afraid of me, Kisaki?"

You then lean forward until your lips hover only an inch above his.

"You've never been scary. Especially since I know I fucking own you. You promised yourself to me," he reminds you.

"Are you still living in that fantasy world?" you chuckle. "What if I'm lying to you just to get close to you? I could really use this," you add as you press the barrel of the gun against his chest.

"If you were, I'd have to give you a punishment much worse than death," he tells you.

You scoff as you get up off of him and stand back on the ground. You then face him and place the gun to your head. "Maybe I'll take the easy way out then," you suggest.

"You won't," he stands up, grabbing your wrist and quickly tossing the gun across the floor of the room.

"And how do you know," you scoff as you break his grasp on your wrist. "I'm not that fucking easy, you know."

You then turn on your heels and walk quickly out of the room. In the hallway, you notice Hanma eyeing you, but you ignore him and continue on your way.

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now