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You sit outside the health center with Chifuyu on the front steps, staring off into the distance

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You sit outside the health center with Chifuyu on the front steps, staring off into the distance. Despite how he said he wanted to talk, neither of you has said a word yet. The sun begins to set, casting a warm glow over the landscape. Somehow, you find peace in the silence out here, away from all the chaos and confusion that's been happening lately, despite how fleeting it may be. Especially when Chifuyu breaks the silence.

"So what do you think is gonna happen?" he hums.

You shake your head still in disbelief that any of this is happening. "I can hardly believe it's real," you say. "I thought it was all in my head at first like it'd go away when I got here."

Chifuyu nods along, attempting to understand. "Do you think this is the first time that something like this has happened to somebody?"

You furrow your brow, thinking back to the other times you've had similar encounters. "I could've sworn I'd seen eyes like his before. Unhuman, cold eyes. But, shit, I don't know what any of it means."

Just then, you see a cat approaching the steps. "Is that Peke J?" Chifuyu whispers to you as he looks straight ahead. You smile at the sight of the cat, happy to see that he's made it home safe despite how you lost him over a week ago.

Right as Peke J nuzzles up against Chifuyu's leg, you notice him gag like he's going to throw up. Chifuyu attempts to soothe the cat, but he ends up spitting up an eyeball- a human eye. Chifuyu grimaces, finding it to be a rather grotesque sight.

You pick up the eye instead and wipe it on the side of your pants before studying it closely. "I've got to show Mikey," you whisper at first, though the determination grows in your tone. "He's still in the operating room with Emma."

Chifuyu looks at you worriedly. "You actually want to go back in there after what we just saw?"

"You don't have to come," you tell him. "I know it's gross but I need to find out what's going on, if this has anything to do with what's happening in this fucked up world."

Chifuyu sighs, knowing he won't be able to change your mind. Yet he doesn't want to be left behind either. "Fine, I'll come with you," he nods firmly. "C'mon Peke."

Together, you make your way into the health center. As you approach the operating room, you can hear Mikey and Emma talking from the other side of the wall. You then take a deep breath and push open the door.

Mikey looks up, his gloved and bloody hands following him. "What're you doing back? I'll call you if there's any news."

"Yeah, well, there's news," you tell him, holding out the eyeball. Mikey's eyes widen in shock.

"Where did you find that?" he asks, taking the eyeball from you and examining it closely.

"Peke J brought it to us," Chifuyu answers rather proudly.

Mikey nods, already deep in thought. "Well this confirms our suspicions," he says, turning to Emma. "The eyes we saw earlier are definitely not human."

Emma looks horrified. "Do you think that's his?" she asks.

"I have no idea," Mikey says with a sigh, "But we've got to keep investigating."

You nod in agreement. You may not know what's going on yet, but you're not going to give up until you find out.

Mikey then hesitates for a moment, unsure about what to do next. Emma notices and asks while wrinkling her nose in disgust, "What're you going to do with it?"

"Cut it open," you shrug. "I mean, what else could we do with it?"

"And what good would that do?" she grumbles.

"Better good than just staring at it and doing nothing," you scoff.

Mikey then interjects, holding out his hand toward Emma. "Emma, pass me the scalpel," he hums.

With furrowed brows, she does as he's asked. Carefully, he then places down the eyes and slices it in half. Everybody hovers around, watching as the eye is cut into two, and inside contains a small glass vial.

"What the fuck is that?" Emma hums in shock. "One of those 'drink me' potions from Alice in Wonderland?"

"Guess there's only one way to find out," you reply as you look up at Mikey.

"No," he shakes his head. "Don't even think about it. The potential risks there could be from-"

"So what do you want to do just do nothing? Seriously, it was just sitting there waiting for us to find it," you shrug.

"Y/N, I agree with Mikey," Chifuyu then speaks up, "You can't."

"I can," you answer. "I don't have to drink it but maybe I could inject it-"

"No. You shouldn't," he then interrupts.

"Are you sure about this, Y/N?" Mikey finally answers after thinking about the potential risks of injecting an unknown substance into your body.

You take a deep breath and nod, determined to get to the bottom of whatever is going on with this mystery surrounding Baji. "I have to know what's going on with him. It's worth the risk," you answer with resolve.

Mikey nods in agreement and prepares the injection. As he inserts the needle into your arm, you feel a sharp pain shoot through your body. The room starts to spin and immediately you realize that something is seriously wrong.

Suddenly, you collapse onto the ground, gasping for breath. Your vision blurs and you struggle to keep yourself conscious. You feel like you are being dragged into a dark, bottomless pit.

Chifuyu rushes to your side, his eyes filled with fear and worry. "Y/N, are you okay? Can you hear me?" he asks, his voice trembling.

Emma's eyes dart between you and Mikey. "What do we do? Mikey, what the hell are we going to do?!"

Mikey's expression is grim as he bends down beside you and checks your pulse. "She's in cardiac arrest. We have to act fast," he says, his voice calm and controlled despite the urgency of the situation.

Quickly, Mikey starts to perform CPR on you, his hands moving in a steady rhythm. Emma rips a defibrillator from off the wall and hands it to him, and he steadies himself to shock your heart back into action.

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now