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Day 12

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Day 12

On your wrist, as you leave the medical center, the number fourteen shimmers against your skin. Beside you, Hinata's shows the number four.

It's bright and early when the two of you leave. You're not quite sure of where you're headed, either. How do you even begin to find someone you lost?

You make your way back to the festival ground where you had been when the buzzing killed your ears.

You retrace your steps and make your way back to the car where the three of you had hidden and made the decision to split up.

"This sucks," you groan, opening the driver's side door and sitting in the seat for a moment of rest.

"What're we gonna do now?" Hinata asks as you swing your legs in the car.

"I don't- ouch," you groan, looking up to see the sun visor is broken and hanging down. "That fucking hurt," you grumble as you hit the visor and attempt to put it back in its normal spot. However, as you do, you spot a small piece of paper sticking out of it.

"Hey, Hinata," you whisper as you grab onto it. "You might want to look at this..."

Completely speechless, you flip over the small paper and see a photograph of Takemichi and Naoto smiling.

"Oh my god," she gasps as you pass her the picture. "Did you read it?"

"Read what?" you ask, still in shock that you actually found a clue.

"On the back," she continues, "near the bottom. It says 'at the airport. Two of us and another'."

"Shit," you gasp as you step out of the car and look at the words with her. "That's his handwriting."

"Yeah, it is," she nods. "Think this is real?"

"It's gotta be," you reply, looking at her nervously.

"And he's really at the airport?" she continues.

"I don't know. I guess we'll have to-"

You stop suddenly when you feel something brush up against your leg. You immediately back up and aim your shotgun at the ground.

"Is that a..." you whisper when you see a tail wrap around Hinata's ankles.

"It's a cat," she finishes for you.

"Why is there a cat?" you question to nobody in particular. "How is that even possible?"

"Not sure," Hinata replies as a black cat rubs its head against your leg. "Does this mean we have bad luck now?"

"I think it means we need to be careful. It might be feral or have rabies or something," you answer.

When you say that, the cat sits before you and meows. You have half a mind to bend down and pet it, but your previous statement keeps you from doing so.

After meowing several times, the cat starts to slowly walk down the side of the street.

"Where's it going?" both of you ask at the same time.

Without having to say anything more, both of you start to follow it down the street. Until it stops and sits down. Facing the front door of a rundown dry cleaners. Again, the cat meows.

"Hinata. I think someone might be in there," you whisper to her. "We should get out of here."

Just as you take a step back, the door opens slightly and a bell rings. You push Hinata right behind you- despite her being the one with Baji's bulletproof vest- and clutch your shotgun.

When the cat refuses to move, the door opens even wider and a man about the same age as you opens the door.

"Hey you!" you shout at the rather attractive man. "Don't fucking move!"

Slowly, he looks over at you and puts his hands up on either side of his head. "Don't shoot. I was just getting my cat."

When you look down, the cat runs between the man's legs and into the dry cleaners.

"Where'd you get it?" you ask him.

"I found it," he replies plainly. "His name is Peke J."

"That's a cute name," Hinata says, peeking out from behind you.

"Don't move, Hinata. We don't know what this guy's hiding in there," you remind her.

"I'm not hiding anything. Come see for yourself," he offers.

You cock your gun and scoff at his offer. "Back in slowly. And don't worry, we'll make your death well worth our days."

"Y/N," Hinata whispers as you follow the man into the small building. However, you continue to ignore her.

"Please," she begs you, placing her hand on your shoulder.

"Stop, Hinata," you answer, shrugging her off.

"Listen to your friend, Y/N," the man intervenes, trying to appeal to your humanity. "Look, I'm here alone. It's just me and Peke J. My fucking cat. I'm not going to pull anything, I swear!"

"Do you think we're fucking stupid?" you answer, not falling for his trick. "How does saying that shit help either of us? If I don't kill you, I don't get any fucking days."

"Please, Y/N," Hinata pleads yet again. "Just give him a chance at least."

"Dammit, Hinata," you sigh as you put the gun down. "Fine. But the second you do anything suspicious, I'll fire this fucking gun I swear to god."

"Fair enough," he nods. "It's a deal then. D- do you want anything to eat?"

"What've you got?" Hinata smiles as she walks out from behind you and follows the man inside.

"Hinata!" you whisper as the door shuts behind her. "Don't just go off by yourself."

With a groan, you open the door and step inside. The first thing that hits you is the smell. Burnt food mixed with a litter box that probably hasn't been cleaned in a week.

"Jesus, do you ever leave this place?" you cough out as you plug your nose and make your way toward the back of the crowded dry cleaners. He must be using the smell and all the clothes as a cover so people don't get too close to him. 

"Why should I leave? I don't have a death wish," he replies.

"Really? Cause the smell in here begs to differ," you smile at Hinata as you follow her to the small table she's sitting beside.

"Be nice," she mouths to you.

"I know," you answer, just as quietly.

"So, what've you got to eat?"

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now