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At the bottom of the basement you were thrown down to, the man turns on the light and faces you

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At the bottom of the basement you were thrown down to, the man turns on the light and faces you. Through the blood all over him, you can now see his light purple/ silver hair and the tattoo on the side of his head. He gazes down at you with his lavender-colored eyes and says nothing.

"What the hell do you want from me, huh? Do you want to kill me? I wouldn't do that if I were you. I've got friends who will find you and fucking-"

"You've got such a bad temper, don't you?" he scoffs. "I'm not going to kill you. You can live down here and survive."

"Really?" you chuckle sarcastically. "On what?"

The man walks over to a pantry on the opposite wall as you and opens the door. Your jaw drops the second you see just how full it is.

"Can I make you something?" he then offers. "You seem hungry. How 'bout some rice?"

"Sure," you nod quietly as he reaches for one of the many bags of rice. This guy must've been planning for something like this to happen for years.

"So, do you mind if I ask your name?" you ask softly as you approach where he starts to cook the rice.

"I'm Mitsuya," he answers as he leans his back against the small countertop. "And you?"

"Y/N," you reply. "Your wrist?"

"Six," he responds, showing you the inside of his left arm at the same time.

"Does that mean you just came back from your latest kill," you grin as he fixes his sleeve and turns around to wash his hands in the sink.

"I don't kill any more than I have to," he answers sharply. "I only go up about once a week. I make sure to get the maximum days out of a kill and-"

"So you're dismembering people and then hiding away in here?" you scoff. "You make it sound so easy."

"I only kill when I have one day left. I'm not going to be greedy about it, Y/N," he tells you. "How much do you have?"

Without giving a verbal answer, you show him the fourteen on your wrist. You can see him swallow dryly when he sees it, his body language becoming more distant.

"I did think about killing you, too. But seeing as you've got my gun..." you hum. "I guess I won't."

"Well thanks for that," he gulps. "I hope you don't change your mind."

"My friends are waiting for me up on the surface. Is this a hostage situation or..."

"No!" he shouts, banging his wrists on the countertop below him. Just then, the pot of rice begins to bubble over and he faces away from you to turn down the intensity.

"No," he then whispers softly, still facing away from you. "We can't leave yet. Not until I have one day left. It's not safe up there! I- I just killed someone!"

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now