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"Fuck, Y/N, I can't feel my hands," Hinata sobs as you try to rinse her blue hands in the sink

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"Fuck, Y/N, I can't feel my hands," Hinata sobs as you try to rinse her blue hands in the sink.

Since the second you had gotten back to the apartment, Hinata's hands only worsened. And now that it's been a good thirty minutes without knowing what to do, you're afraid that something even more terrible is going to happen to your friend.

"What do we do?!" you shout at Draken who rifles through his med kit. "I don't fucking know. Do I look like a goddamn doctor, Y/N?!"

"I mean, you're everything else!" you scoff. "Do you have anything?"

"We could try the alcohol again," Baji offers, clutching the bottle in his hand.

"No!" Hinata shouts. "Absolutely not! That did fucking nothing!"

"Hinata, calm down," you try to soothe her as your eyes stay glued on Draken. "Should we take her somewhere?!"

"Yeah, 'cause it's real easy to stay calm when my fucking hands are turning blue!" she cries.

"Like where?!" Draken stops, slamming his hands down on the table before him. "What the fuck do you suggest?"

"I don't know! There's a health center nearby. Maybe we could take her there?"

"For what?" Hinata sobs dramatically. "I doubt there will be an actual doctor willing to help us without shooting us on sight!"

"Would you rather stay here and wait for your hands to rot away?" you ask, turning your body to face her.

"No, but I don't want to get shot, either!"

"It's a terrible idea," Draken shakes his head as he shuts the med-kid. "If we go in there, we will most likely meet with another person or even a whole group."

"Thank you," Hinata sighs.

"But it's the only idea we've got," he then adds. "Y/N's right. If we stay here you're just going to get worse.

Hinata looks over at you with wide eyes. You can tell just how badly she's hurting. You know the risk. It scares you just as much. But you can't just sit around and watch your friend get worse.

Finally, Hinata gives in and decides to let you take her to the health center. Draken passes out the guns, one for each of you, including Hinata even though you doubt she'd even be able to hold it.

The health center is only a few blocks away- a ten minute walk. When you get there, the four of you pause just outside the building. "Ready?" Baji asks.

"As we'll ever be," you nod.

"I'll go first," Draken adds.

"No," you interrupt before he can say more. "I think Hinata and I should go in together. They should see her so they know why we're here."

"I disagree," Draken continues. "You're right that Hinata should go in first but I don't think you should be the one to go in there with her. Let me. I'll protect her, I promise."

"Why do you want to go in first?" Hinata then asks him curiously.

"'Cause they might shoot the first person they see. It shouldn't be you, Y/N. Besides, I can protect myself a bit better. You've only been doing this for a week. I'm not trying to belittle you, Y/N, I just think-"

"No, you're right," you shake your head. "You can protect Hinata more than I can."

With a silent nod, Draken watches as you gently hand your scared friend over to him. "You're going to be okay, Hinata," you smile at her as you place your hands on her cheeks. "I promise. He will keep you safe."

"You'll see me soon, right, Y/N?" she whispers as tears slide down her cheeks.

"Sooner than you think," you tell her as your thumbs wipe her tears. "I'll be right behind you."

"Okay," she sniffles softly as she situates herself against Draken's arm. "See you soon."

As the two of them walk toward the front door, you grip tightly to Baji's hand. "They're gonna be okay, right?" you ask as you lean the side of your head against his shoulder.

"I hope so," he whispers, watching as the two of them disappear into the building.

It's so quiet while you both wait. Is silence good? Better than hearing gunshots, you suppose.

Mere minutes feel like hours as you wait for any kind of signal. But nothing comes.

"I can't do this anymore, Y/N," Baji shakes his head as he looks over at you, taking his eyes off the building for the first time in ten minutes. "We need to go in there. If they are in trouble, we can help them."

"I guess that beats standing out here wondering if they're still alive," you sigh as you grab the gun slung around your shoulder. "Shall we?"

Baji smiles at you while you both make your way toward the front door of the health center. You grip your gun tightly as he opens the door. All you can hear is the loud wind behind you, and the fast beating of your heart, while he places his hand on the doorknob.

When he opens it, you step in with your gun pointing straight out toward whoever might be in there. Immediately, you spot someone behind the receptionist's desk and cock your gun.

"Put your fucking hands up!" you shout at the blonde woman sitting with her feet up.

"Shit!" the blonde curses as she sits up straight and shows you her palms. "Not again. What the fuck?!"

"Hey, hey, calm down now," another voice calls out. You turn your gun with your body and point it at a tall man with short black hair. "That's my sister, okay? Please don't shoot her. Your friends are safe. My brother's with the woman right now."

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now