𝟼𝟿 | 𝙿𝚊𝚕𝚖 𝚃𝚛𝚎𝚎

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DAY 33

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DAY 33

The next morning when you wake up, you decide you've got to do something with Baji's body besides just leaving him there. Something weird was happening and you need to get to the bottom of it. You cart Baji's dead body back to the health center. Your heart is pounding in your chest as you approach the center, knowing that you will have to face your group and explain what happened.

As you reach the door, you bang on it with all your might, hoping that someone will hear you and answer despite how they've got it all locked down, awaiting Sanzu and his men to storm in guns blazing.

"Hey! It's Y/N! Let me in! It's important!"

After a few moments, you hear a muffled voice coming from inside. "Why are you back?" asks Mikey. "Are you alone?"

"Yes," you call out. "Mikey, please, I need you to see something!"

There's a moment of silence before the sound of furniture scraping across the floor reaches your ears. They had barricaded themselves inside, preparing for Sanzu's group to come and get them. You hear a bolt being undone, and then the door opens slowly.

Emma appears on the other side of the door and looks confused. "What's going on, Y/N? Why are you back?"

"It's Baji," you explain as you readjust him over your shoulder. "His body came back to life. I had to bring him for Mikey to look at."

Mikey and Emma both gasp as they recognize the rotting corpse beside you. "What happened?" Emma then asks.

As you begin to explain to them what happened at the graveyard, how you found Baji's body missing from his grave, and how he came back to life with those glowing white eyes and a broken jaw, Chifuyu and Shinichiro  join the group.

"Shit, she's finally lost it," Shinichiro shakes his head. Meanwhile, Chifuyu remains quiet.

You look at Chifuyu, silently pleading with him to help you.

"Well, let's not make her stand there like that," he finally chimes in, taking a step forward. He then approaches you, helping to bring Baji's body into the health center.

Mikey recoils at the sight of the body. "Jesus, what the hell did you do to him?" He asks, wrinkling his nose at the smell.

"I kind of tried dissecting it," you reply. "I wanted to see if there was anything abnormal about it."

Emma wrinkles her nose in disgust. "That's repulsive, Y/N."

"I did what I had to do," you shrug. "I needed to figure out what was going on with him. I mean, people don't just casually come back to life after being dead and buried for a week."

Mikey then speaks up. "So what are you thinking? What it's some kind of virus, like a zombie apocalypse or something?"

Emma scoffs. "That's ridiculous. Wouldn't we be seeing zombies all over the place with the countless bodies lying around this town? I mean you can't turn a corner without seeing a dozen bodies on the ground."

Chifuyu nods in agreement. "Well, regardless of what it is, we need to figure out what is going on."

"Fine, let's bring it to the operating room. I'll take a look at it," Mikey then finally agrees. "Emma, you stay here and keep the others calmed down."

You and Chifuyu bring Baji's body into the operating room and lay it down on the table in the center. Mikey then approaches the body. He grabs a pair of gloves and a scalpel and begins to examine it.

Chifuyu assists him as they begin the examination. Mikey starts with the bright white eyeballs, frowning as he studies them closely. "These don't look like human eyes," he murmurs. "Or, if they were, then somehow they've been stretched out into something else. The shape is different."

"And what about his bones?" you then ask. "He's still got a human body, right?"

He then moves on to examine the bones, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Baji's spine isn't like a human's either," he then quietly explains to the two of you in the room. "It's like it's something else entirely."

"What do you mean, something else?"

Mikey shakes his head. "I have absolutely no idea," he says, looking just as confused as you are. "I've never seen anything like this before."


"We need to keep this quiet," he then tells you. "At least for now. We don't know what's going on, and we don't want to cause a panic with the others."


You nod, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. You don't know what you would have done if he had panicked. "Okay," you say, feeling a little more hopeful. "What do we do now?"


"What's going on?" Emma and Hinata burst into the room, looking alarmed.


Mikey groans, knowing that what he had just asked of the two of you has already gone to hell. "Whatever, just tell them. Emma won't leave me alone until I tell her anyway."

"You got that right," Emma nods.

You then turn to them, starting to explain. "Baji's body was dug up and possessed by some kind of, I don't know, zombie or alien, maybe? He had these unforgettable white eyes that I'd swear I had seen before and a jaw that could unhinge like a snake. I had to dissect it to make sure it was all human, but Mikey's not as convinced as I was..."

"You dissected your, uh," Hina stumbles over her words as she looks over at Chifuyu, "friend's body? What are you talking about?"

"I had to examine it to make sure there wasn't anything abnormal about it. Shit, I didn't even know if what I had seen was real. But now, I think, we need to figure out if this is a threat to the rest of us," you explain, feeling a pang of guilt as you see the horror on their faces.

Mikey then interrupts. "I mean just look at him, Emma. His eyes don't look right and the bones... His spine isn't like any kind of human spine I've ever seen before. It's something else. I just don't know what."

Emma's voice trembles slightly as she approaches Mikey and the corpse before him. "What do you mean 'something else'?"

"I need to run more tests," he shakes his head, "and do some more research." Mikey looks up from the body with a grave expression.

You watch as Emma and Hina exchange worried glances. You know they're both thinking the same thing: could this be the beginning of the end?

Everyone but Mikey and Emma leaves the operating room. The weight of the situation is heavy on your shoulders as you walk away. Sure you've faced countless different challenges in this messed up world before but this time just feels different, like something big is on the horizon.

Baji is dead and you don't know what is going to happen to the others who have died, but you also feel a sense of determination. You will do everything in your power to find answers and stop whatever is going on.

Chifuyu then takes a deep breath and steps in front of you, blocking your path. You can see him tense up before he begins to speak. "We need to talk."

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now