𝟼𝟺 | 𝙿𝚘𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙸𝚟𝚢

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Y/N'S P.O.V.

Kokonoi leads you and the rest of The Wanderers to the narrow alleyway where Inupi had died alongside the other, previously deceased body. You gasp when you arrive, horrified at the sight of the two bodies you recognized. One with a gash in the head and the other with multiple gruesome injuries.

Senju was the first one to clear her throat and speak up when we look at the bodies. "What're you going to do with him?" she asks. "It is him, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's him," you nod solemnly. "I know a medical professional I can bring it to."

"Ah, the same group you didn't want to introduce us to?" Wakasa interjects. Of course, he has to continue to pick at the same scab repeatedly.

"Not the time," Senju sighs.

"If it means anything," Akashi then interrupts, "I think it's a good idea to get the body checked out. Those chunks missing are unlike anything I've ever seen before."

"Agreed," you hum. "That's why I need to get it checked out. This guy isn't the most agreeable but if something suspicious happened, he'd be the one to know about it."

Wakasa then chimes in again. "Just be careful with it. That body fucking reeks. I could be diseased. I know he was your friend, but still."

You ignore his comment as you focus on your task at hand- getting Baji back to Mikey. With the help of Senju and Akashi, you load Baji's body onto a large blue tarp and pull him out onto the main road. Finally, there you are ready to say your goodbyes and part from the group.

Without looking back, you walk away from the others and make your way toward Mikey's health center. When you arrive, you drop Baji at the bottom of the stairs and sit beside him for a second. You don't have enough strength to walk up and knock at the moment. Sweat is trailing down your forehead from pulling Baji this whole way and you can't even remember the last time you ate. Today? Yesterday? Time seems to blend all together.

Once you work up enough courage to knock, it's Chifuyu who opens the door.

"Hey," you smile sheepishly, tired still and not having the strength to fight with him. However, his reaction when he sees you catches you off guard.

"Are you alright?" he asks. "You look like hell."

"That's pretty much where I've been," you grumble as you think back to the conversation you had with Kokonoi.

"Did you find Baji? Is he alright?" he then asks.

"Uh, not really. Is Mikey around?"

"I'll go get him. You stay here, okay?" he nods.

"Hey wait," you grab onto his arm before he walks off. "What did you guys tell the others? I mean, about why I left."

"We said that you wanted to go find Baji. That you refused to acknowledge that he was the one who..."

"Okay, I get it," you nod, letting him go. "I'll wait out here then."

"I'll be right back."

When Chifuyu returns with Mikey at his side, you walk them to the bottom of the front steps and pull the sides of the tarp that had slightly been covering Baji's side.

"Shit," they both grumble, covering their noses to mask the horrendous smell of the rotting body.

"What the fuck happened to him?" Chifuyu nearly dry heaves at the sight.

After you explain the whole situation to the two of them, Mikey looks a bit hesitant. However, eventually, he decides that what's right for Baji is a burial.

"A burial?" you repeat after him. "Don't you want to look at the wounds first? I mean what do you think did this to him?"

"Honestly, I think it was some kind of animal. He must've been killed, or killed himself, and then eaten as a meal for whatever walked by and found him there," Mikey shrugs.

"So that's it, you don't even want to find out what it was?" you then ask.

"Y/N, even if I did want to, I don't have the proper resources for that. How the hell am I going to find out if he poisoned himself, drank too much, or even decipher whether he killed himself or someone else did it? Seriously," he sighs.

"Fine then, we'll bury him," you agree.

"Good," Mikey nods. "I'll go in and let the others know what's going on. Emma and I will prepare everything and we'll have the burial while the sun rises."

"Okay," you smile softly before watching him walk inside. Chifuyu then steals your attention by clearing his throat and calling your name quietly. Once your eyes meet his, he gently takes you by the hand and moves away from the stench of Baji's rotting corpse.

"Can we talk for a minute?" he then asks you.

"Yeah, are you alright?"

"I've just been thinking about everything since Draken died," he shakes his head. "I mean you disappeared and I don't really get why. You could've played it off without the blame being on you. Or you could've told everyone the truth."

"I'm really sorry, Chifuyu," you sigh. "I didn't mean to hurt anyone by leaving but shit, I didn't know what to do. I just killed my friend and I got so confused I think I started hallucinating."

"Hallucinating? Did you see something strange?" he questions.

You pause a second, collecting your thoughts before you can look him in the eyes once again. "I killed him. He died right in front of me. I guess I couldn't handle that I lost someone I cared about so much which is why I needed to get away from everything, including you," you end up changing the subject. What you saw doesn't matter. It was a bit too farfetched to be realistic anyway.

"I get it," he agrees, "But, Y/N, I wish you knew that I was there for you. And I still am. I care about you and I want to be someone you can turn to with whatever you're going through."

Your face heats up at the words. Your mouth runs dry and all your thought bubbles instantly burst. Sure, you and Chifuyu have been intimate before, but the way he's talking now is almost as if he really does have feelings for you. "Thanks," you end up answering rather dryly. "I don't want to lose you either."

"You won't," he shakes his head. "Didn't I tell you I'd be doing you a favor by killing you?" he then laughs. "Can't get rid of me that easily. I'll be here for you, no matter what."

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now