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Just as the sun starts to set, you and your new friend (who you learned is named Hakkai) arrive outside the health center

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Just as the sun starts to set, you and your new friend (who you learned is named Hakkai) arrive outside the health center. You walk him to the front door and attempt to push your way inside but of course, it's locked.

After banging on the door several times and grumbling to yourself about how they're all probably eating or doing something stupid, the door finally opens. You don't think you've ever been so happy to see Emma.

"There you are!" she sighs when she recognizes you on the other side. "Your new friends have been worried like hell!"

"Takemichi made it?" you ask hopefully.

"Yeah and he's sleeping now. Who's this guy?" she then nods toward Hakkai.

"Uh, another new friend," you chuckle awkwardly. "Do you think you can help him out? I wrapped some gauze around his wounds but I know it's not going to keep him alive forever."

"I'll take him. If you follow I'll show you where Takemichi is," she hums as she places Hakkai's free arm around her shoulder. "Come on, follow me."

After placing Hakkai in one of the medical rooms and calling Mikey over to check on him, she points you the way to Takemichi's room. "I've gotta stay here to help Mikey out but you go see your friend. And don't worry, Hakkai will be fine. I just wonder if Mikey and I can keep going at the rate you're bringing patients to us," she sighs.

"I'm sorry," you attempt to smile not awkwardly. "But thank you! I'll come check up on him in a little while."

You then rush over to Takemichi's room where you see that he's finally stable. Hinata fills you in on everything that had happened while all Takemichi can say is how happy he is that you made it.

You tell the two of them about what happened to you after getting separated. Well, everything except the whole loophole and Kokonoi things.

"Huh, every group has a name for themselves, huh?" Takemichi nods to himself.

"Really? That's what you took away from the whole thing? Not Y/N almost dying?!" Hina rolls her eyes at her boyfriend.

"Well what do you think then?" Takemichi asks. "What name should we call ourselves?"

"I don't think you should be making any decisions right now," Hinata shakes her head. "You're obviously still too high off those drugs to do any such thing!"

"Which is why I asked you what you think. We have no name, Hina!" he pouts.

"Well how about the No Namers," then, you tease, trying to lighten up the mood until Hinata gives you a glare that shakes you to your core. "Right, okay, well I'll just head out then. There are a couple people I need to see."

As you walk down the long medical center hallway, a flood of different emotions washes over you. You've got no idea how Draken and Baji are going to act when they see you. Will they still be pissed that you left? Probably.

When you reach the room the two of them had been staying at, you knock politely and try to hold together your composure. It's Baji who opens the door. And he's the first to throw his arms around you.

"You came back!" he gasps.

"I said that I would," you smile as you see Draken across the room. "It's only been four days. Less than the amount of time I promise I'd be gone for."

When Baji releases you from the hug, he takes a step back to look at Draken. However, Draken doesn't meet Baji's expectation of excitement.

"What's wrong?" Baji asks his friend nervously. "Don't act like you're not happy to see her."

"Of course I am," he responds calmly, looking directly at you. "But, Y/N, you and I need to talk."

Baji gulps as he looks between the two of you. "Uh, okay, well I'm going to go see if there's anything good to eat around... You want anything, Y/N?"

"No, I'm good. Thanks," you smile.

"K, be back in a bit."

After Baji leaves, he shuts the door behind him leaving you alone with Draken.

"What's up with your stomach?" he comments first, seeing it all wrapped up from last night.

"I had a little falling out with some guy. Stabbed me in the stomach but missed everything vital, I guess. So I suppose I won that fight," you smile.

"What happened to the gun I gave you?" he asks, forcing you to think back to how you lost it when the train stopped suddenly and you woke up slightly concussed.

"Oh, I, uh..." you stammer as you watch Draken sit down on the side of his bed.

"I'm sorry," you quietly explain as you down beside him. "If it's any consolation, I only lost it last night."

"I don't think I can do this anymore, Y/N," he shakes his head softly. "I can't with this killing. I've got a thirty on my arm just from protecting this place with the other guys."

"Can't you just wait it out? I mean, maybe it won't last forever. Maybe it won't always be-"

"What are you getting at, Y/N?" he asks, looking at you curiously. "Do you know something I don't?"

"No, I just-"

"Don't lie to me," he huffs.

"Well I might've figured something out," you sigh. You then explain to him everything Wakasa told you about staying awake.

"That's great and all but it doesn't change the fact that I still go outside every day and kill people just to everyone in here doesn't get murdered," he continues.

"I don't get it, Draken," you grumble. "What the fuck do you want me to do about that? I mean, for god's sake wasn't protecting people your whole deal this entire time?!"

"Not anymore," he shakes his head as he looks down at his lap. "You said you'd do anything for Baji and me, right? Well, maybe not in so many words but I think we reached that level of trust."

"No," you scoff as you stand up and look down at him. "Draken, I'm not going to do it!"

"It has to be you. I want it to be," he says calmly.

"Draken, I-" you begin just before the door bursts open. In walks Baji with a half-eaten stick of beef jerky in his hand.

"Hey guys, come get some food 'fore that cat licks it all! Seriously, who's been not feeding that poor thing."

"Uh, that'd be me," you chuckle awkwardly. "I'll be right there."

Just as you turn to walk out of the room, Draken calls your name once more. "Think about it. Please."

"You're not coming with us?" Baji then asks.

"No. I think I'm going to rest here for a bit. I'll see you guys after."

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now