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After I follow Y/N outside of the school, the two of us walk across the street towards the library and sit on the steps out front. "You're back," I then remark as she looks down at the ground beside her feet.

"Guess I couldn't hack it in that group," she shrugs.

"Is that the truth?" I ask, wondering what it was like spending time with people quite literally the opposite of The Wanderers. "Or did you leave on a whim again?"

"I'm beginning to sense you all think I have issues with ditching people," she shakes her head softly, trying not to smile as though it wasn't true. 

"You have a pattern of leaving and returning, Y/N, just like a boomerang. And I'm pretty sure you could relate that to abandonment issues..." I try to say gently without offending her.

"Seriously, can you just cut to the point of why you wanted to talk to me?" Y/N scoffs, brushing off the truth in my words. I don't really know much about her, just what Wakasa and the others have told me, but from what I do know there is definitely something she does not want to share. "How come you didn't tell the others where I was going?"

"Cause after you left I made up my mind, too. I want to join that group as well. I can't sit around here all day and worry about whether I'm going to overcome the night. They stay up every single day and I am so fucking tired of it. I want to be part of something different. Something that'll make me feel like I'm really alive, not just breathing," I explain to her.

"Koko, that's not a good idea," she shakes her head. "That group is fucking evil. They've done so much shit I can't even begin to explain it."

"I'm sure they have," I shrug, "but, like I've said, I made up my mind. I want to do something with my life since we're going to be here for possibly the rest of eternity. If doing terrible things keeps me alive, then so be it."

"Seriously?" she scoffs before shaking her head at me in disagreement. "And what would Inupi say about that, huh? You can't just turn your back on him like that."

"You were the one who already left! What the hell are you even saying? Besides, he's weak. This whole group is holding both of us back. You know that, it's why you left. I need to get rid of him," I sigh. As worked up as she makes me, I manage to keep myself calm so she doesn't find out I'm lying about having this all planned out. The truth is, I hadn't given it much thought since she last left but now that she's alive, I'm dying to know what being there was like.

"You can't just kill Inupi," Y/N then says rather loudly, forcing me to shush her like a child.


"What?!" she answers. "It's fucking true. He's like your family!"

"It's the only way, Y/N. I'm sick of this place. If you're not going to help me then fine but don't you dare get in my way!"

"Please don't do this," she pleads once more with widening eyes. "You don't have to do this."

"I've already made up my mind. What should you care? Once you find your friend you'll be out of here anyway, right?" I roll my eyes. But instead of giving me an answer, she walks away without another word. "See what I mean?!" I shout after her. "You're a fucking boomerang!"

Y/N tosses up her middle finger as she crosses the street without bothering to give me a moment's glance. 

DAY 25

The following afternoon Inupi and I go out for a walk around the surrounding area together. Up and down the streets we look for a body that might match Y/N's description but after two hours we have no luck. On our slow walk back to the school, Inupi starts to get on my nerves.

"So what do you think about Y/N being back?" he asks, causing a vein to stick out on my neck.

"What do you mean, what do I think? I think she's going to leave the second she gets what she wants out of us. Just like last time after we saved her damn life," I roll my eyes.

"No... That's not it," he hums, thinking aloud.

"Look, I don't really want to talk about it, okay?" I grumble.

"You know the reason why she left, don't you?" he continues to ask. I grip my gun, pissed off that he keeps bothering to ask.

I turn around, glaring at him. "What the hell are you talking about?" I scowl.

Inupi looks down at his feet. "I think you do. And I think, for some reason, you're not telling me," he asks hesitantly. My fists clench tightly, my anger boiling over inside of me. God, I really could kill him right now.

"Oh, and why would I not tell you? Do you think I'm hiding something from you? You're the one I've been with this whole time, not her," I snap, my voice full of venom.

"Because you're afraid," he says, looking back up at me.

"Afraid of what?" I ask him, confusion in my voice.

"Of her," he replies simply.

"Oh please," I roll my eyes. "In this world, there's far more to worry about than a girl who reappears every now and then."

 "Koko," he calls out to me softly. He's no longer looking in my direction but through my anger, I can't tell that his tone has changed.

"The hell would I have to be afraid of her for? She runs away from her problems instead of dealing with them like I do. That's not scary, that's stupid," I ramble on. I don't know what I'm saying anymore. It's like the words are coming out of my mouth before I even realize what they mean.

Inupi starts to walk ahead of me, slipping around a corner into a dimly lit alleyway. He's done arguing with me. Instead, something else is on his mind. Ahead of him is a dead body with several parts missing, as though it had been chewed off. He calls out to me, but just as I turn, he trips over a stubborn branch sticking out of the ground and falls to the hard ground. Ignoring the dead body beside him, I rush to his side.

I call out to him, hoping he is okay, but there's no response. Inupi had hit his head on the pavement below and was now lying lifeless with a large gash on his head, beside another dead body.

My anger immediately fades into shock when I realize what had happened. Tears fall from my eyes, holding his lifeless body, knowing that I had just lost the closest person in my life.

I can't remember how long I sat there, holding him. All I know is that it was well into the night before my tears finally stopped flowing and the stars came out to shine upon me. Some of the blood on his head was dried up or pushed away from my tears, but the large gash was still there.

His eyes were closed, and I knew he wouldn't be opening them again. I slowly backed away from him until my back hit the opposing wall. My mind raced with thoughts of what had happened here today. Quietly, I then left to get some backup from the rest of the group and Y/N to verify the other body. After all, there was no way I could cart them back to the school by myself. And some time away from Inupi's body would do me some good.

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now