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You accidentally drop the gun Sanzu had given you as he pulls you close to him, kissing you roughly

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You accidentally drop the gun Sanzu had given you as he pulls you close to him, kissing you roughly. Immediately, heat rushes to your face as previous events fade from your mind. Instead, your thoughts are all replaced with the sensation of Sanzu's excitement already pressed up against you. You know it's fucked up that he's so happy after brutally attacking a bunch of innocent people, but who the hell are you to judge? You're the one smirking against his kiss, happy that he's going to fuck you raw for what must be the fourth time today.

"Turn around, face the wall," he orders calmly after pulling away from the kiss.

You grin as he places his hands down on your hips. "You've got a thing for hitting it from the-" you begin before suddenly being spun around and pushed up against the wall.

"Stay still, princess," he hums hotly against your ear. You can feel his fingers roaming your body until he stops at the waistband of your pants. Your heart suddenly stops when you remember you had been keeping your knife concealed without Sanzu knowing.

"What's this?" he then asks as he reaches under your shirt. "I don't remember giving it to you."

"It's mine," you gulp as he wraps his fingers around the knife and pulls it out.

"Yours? Who let you keep it?" he asks quickly as if he's suddenly lost all patience with you.

"Izana," you whisper. "I didn't think you'd care if I had it so I didn't say anything."

Sanzu hums to himself as he runs the tip of the blade up the inside of your leg. He travels it slowly, dragging the knife up one left and down the other. Your whole body feels so hot despite the sensation of the cold metal and you can feel yourself growing wet between your legs. Sanzu was always so hot when he was pissed off but this version of him is making your knees almost too weak to stand.

Sanzu pushes the tip of your knife into the back of your right leg, just enough to draw the smallest bit of blood. "Do as I tell you, Y/N. You're going to listen to everything I say from now on. Not Izana. Not Kakucho. Just me. You're mine, do you understand that?"

"Yes," you whimper. God, you want to hear him say that all over again while he's buried deep inside of you.

"Take your shorts off," he then commands. And you do not need to be told twice. You quickly take them off, tossing them to the side, while his knife is against your back.

Then, without another word, Sanzu spins you around to face you. "Now. 'Bout what you were saying before. I do like watching your ass when I fuck you but damn do I love seeing how fucked-out your face gets," he smirks. His eyes widen and you can tell he's enjoying every second of this. "Now your panties."

Once your panties lay on the floor beside your shorts, Sanzu tells you to spread your legs. You can feel your heart beat out of your chest as he flips the knife around and rubs the handle against your pussy.

"So wet," he smirks once you look up at him. "You like that, don't you? I mean, I haven't even touched you yet and you're practically shaking."

You open your lips in anticipation, but when he suddenly pushes the handle of the knife inside of you, all words escape your head. Your head begins to spin as Sanzu watches carefully, fucking you with your knife and gazing at your parted lips as you call out his name. You don't know if you should be enjoying this as much as you are. Besides, what's to say Sanzu won't hurt you? Yet maybe that's what makes it all the more hotter.

Sanzu then pulls out the handle from between your legs. "Open your mouth," he tells you just before stuffing it into your mouth. He then leaves you there, nearly gagging with the back end of a knife in your mouth, as he undoes his belt and unzips his pants. Only then does he accept the knife back.

"Come here," he then says as he picks up one of your legs. You jump up into his arms, letting your legs wrap around his waist.

He kisses you roughly as he backs you up against the wall yet again. Then, pulling away, he licks his lips. "You taste so good, don't you think?"

"Of course I do," you grin. "What'd you expect?"

"You never fail to surprise me," he shakes his head, at the same time reaching between your bodies and positioning himself to your entrance. With one quick push, backing you straight into the wall, he bottoms out. You gasp and grip onto him tightly, yet you take it all just as he's given it to you without a word of complaint.

"You're so greedy," he drawls, "Too much for your own good."

Sanzu doesn't start out softly as he begins to fuck you with his whole length. Within a day he's figured out just where to angle you that has you seeing stars and your eyes rolling back into your head.

He reaches his free hand down to your core and rubs your sensitive clit. The combination between both his cock and his fingers has you racing toward your climax. You cry out in pleasure, calling his name as you come undone fast and come down his length.

However, Sanzu doesn't stop. Not even as your legs tremble around him or the way your nails continue to leave small marks all across his body. He fucks you even after you finish riding out your high, chasing his own. And when he does, after a few more deep thrusts pushing you into that wall behind you, he lets you back down on the floor.

Once you're standing on your own again, Sanzu places his hands on the wall on either side of your head, caging you in.

"Can't think of a single thing I enjoy more than fucking you raw," he grins before kissing you one last time.

"Hm," you grin, nodding in response, "I think we make a pretty good team."

"Damn right."

While you fix yourself up and slide your clothes back up your legs, you notice Sanzu kneeling before one of the dead bodies nearby. He reaches towards the man's shirt and tears it apart carelessly. Then, when he stands up and turns back to you, he wipes off your knife and holds it out for you to take.

"You're giving it back?" you ask hesitantly.

"Yeah, keep it. You might end up needing it. Make sure you take that gun, too. 'Cause if you don't take it then someone else eventually will."

As you reach for the gun you had previously dropped, Sanzu walks away. You can hear him muttering something about hating 'that piece of trash Izana'.

After returning your knife to its concealment, you follow along after him. "What now?" you then hum.

"Now we do whatever the fuck we want," he grins. Quietly, he reaches your hand with his and intertwines your fingers in his. "But, I can promise we'll kill a bunch of people. I know you no longer have a problem with that."

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now