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Following your shot and the woman falling to the asphalt beneath her, you see two familiar-looking men standing before you and watching the scene unfold

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Following your shot and the woman falling to the asphalt beneath her, you see two familiar-looking men standing before you and watching the scene unfold.

"Y/N?" one of them calls out to you. Less than a moment later, you rush toward them and throw your arms around them both.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?!" you ask as you hold them both tight.

"Well we were chasing our prey but it looks like you killed 'em for us," the man with a scar on either side of his lips tells you when you pull away. He then quickly grabs onto your left wrist and exposes the number written on your wrist.

"Three," he says aloud before looking up at you through his white eyelashes. "How many times did you shoot her?"

"I shot the gun twice. I dunno if it actually hit her both times or not. It all happened so fast..."

The two men look at each other and the man with white hair lets you out of your grasp.

"Can we help you guys?" Draken calls out as he and Baji approach the three of you standing in the street.

"There's no problem, is there?" Baji hums.

"Well, I guess that depends," your old friend continues, "Are you going to make there be a problem?"

"Draken, I know these guys. It's okay. Sanzu and Kakucho both used to work with me at the club that you used to go to, Baji," you intervene, trying not to choose a side. "Look, Sanzu, we're just trying to figure out what's going on around here."

"As are we," Kakucho nods. "But I think we might have some of it figured out."

"Seriously?!" Sanzu scoffs as he elbows Kakucho. "We don't know these two assholes."

"What did you just call-"

"They just saved my life," you interrupt before either Draken or Baji erupts. "Just like you did once, Sanzu."

Sanzu scoffs and rolls his eyes until he finally pauses and sees the sincerity in your eyes. "Alright, fine. But let's go somewhere a bit more private first."

"Deal," you nod. "Lead the way."

Together, the five of you walk a little ways down the street and into a nearby coffee shop. After you all enter, Sanzu locks the door behind himself.

"Stay close," Draken whispers as he watches Sanzu. "They were out hunting, don't forget. We're in a different world now."

"Don't worry, I know," you reply back just as quietly, "I was just thinking the same."

"So, Y/N," Sanzu smiles as he pats the top of your head, "How're you holdin' up?"

"What do you mean?" you smile politely, not wanting to be the first one to give out any information.

"I mean this place is pretty wild and you look calm, that's all," he shrugs.

"Hm, I'm doing fine," you then respond as he starts to walk behind the counter of the coffee shop. "And you?"

"Great," he hums as though you weren't living in the middle of an apocalypse. "You guys want any coffee?"

"No," Draken and Baji both shake their head.

"I'm good," Kakucho shrugs.

"Y/N?" he then smiles at you.

"Fine," you sigh, still acting as though you've lowered your guard. You then sit down at the counter across from Sanzu and wait for him to make your drink.

While he does, Draken takes the seat on your left, Kakucho on your right. Baji then stands behind you and Draken, forming a triangle of support in case anything bad starts up.

"Care to share what you know now?" Baji then asks.

"You mean about the numbers?" Sanzu hums. "Hey, Y/N, you want your drink the same way I used to get it for you back in the day?"

"Cut the shit, Sanzu. What do you know about the numbers," you scoff.

"So touchy," he clicks his tongue as he puts his elbows on the counter and leans toward you. "Well, fine, I didn't know you were in such a rush. Kakucho and I believe there's some kind of pattern to the murders we need to commit to stay alive."

"What do you mean? Different points for different people?" Draken asks calmly.

"No," Draken shrugs, "but maybe different points for how you commit the act."

Your eyes widen as you watch Sanzu smirk. "Is that why you asked me how many times I shot that lady? I got two points 'cause I shot her twice?"

Sanzu nods as he extends his left arm out to you, showing the number eight on his wrist. Immediately, your blood runs cold when you see it.

"Pretty sure if you shoot someone more than once, you get two days," Sanzu explains. "And we all started with two unless we killed someone before we came here..."

"So then you started with three," you clarify.

"I started with five," he replies as though what he's saying doesn't have anything to do with taking another person's life. "But, you know, I lost one overnight."

"And then you killed three people?" Baji asks with white knuckles.

"No, I got into a fight this morning and ended up stabbing some asshole five times. That gave me two points. After that, Kakucho and I started chasing randoms and I got someone twice. That's how I got to eight," he continues.

"We were gonna kill that couple, too, but you interrupted that," Kakucho scoffs.

"I'm sorry but, how can you two act like this is fucking normal? Actually, I'm not fucking sorry for saying that. What the actual hell is wrong with you two?"

"He's right," Draken agrees as he stands onto his feet. "I think we're done here. It's best we leave before there's any trouble."

"What trouble?" Kakucho scoffs. "We're just talking."

"Then you shouldn't have a problem with us leaving," Baji replies. "Unless there's a reason why you locked us in here."

"Maybe we just wanted to confess our sins to you, father," Sanzu smirks.

"Just another minute," you try to compromise. "I want to know what we're getting ourselves into."

Baji shakes his head "Y/N, I don't think-"

"Please," you interrupt by grabbing onto his wrist before he walks off. "Just one more minute."

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now