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"Thank you, Y/N," Sanzu smiles in your direction

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"Thank you, Y/N," Sanzu smiles in your direction. "Now, back to what I was saying. Do you remember that day when I helped you out at the club?"

"Of course I do..."


Just as you finish closing up for the night, you walk to the back room to grab your things: your bag, your water, and your keys. You then double-check to make sure you have your phone before turning to the breakroom door and leaving. However, just as you do, the door flies open and Sanzu steps into the room. You gasp in shock, not realizing anyone was still around.

"You're still here?" Sanzu asks as he looks over at you curiously. "It's so early. Everyone's gone already. Are you on your way out?"

"Yeah, I'm going now," you nod.

"Well I'd say you could wait a few minutes but I'm sure you want to get going," he then smiles.

"You got the keys to lock up?" you ask, returning the gesture.

"Yeah, I do. Hey, when you get a chance, can we talk sometime tonight about taking some shots for our socials? We've been kinda lacking in the social media department lately..."

"I know, it's an untapped market," you chuckle, thinking back to a previous conversation you had with someone else.

"What?" he then asks.

"I dunno," you shrug. "I'm tired and I just want to be in my bed. But yes, I promise we can talk about that later tonight. See you then," you wave.

"Bye," he waves as he watches you walk out.

When you walk around to the side of the club, taking the same shortcut you take every day on your way home, you spot a man leaning up against a wall. Your first thought is disgust when you see him eyeing you up and down.

You start to walk back to the worker's entrance of the club, but when you pull on the handle, you realize shut and locked.

You grab your bag tight as you turn toward the man and prepare yourself to walk straight by him. He hasn't verbally done anything yet, so there is a chance he might just leave you alone.

Unfortunately, just before you pass him, he steps out in front of you and stops you from making your way toward the main road on the other side.

"You might just be the cutest bartender I've ever met but damn you take so fucking long to leave work. I hope you're not some kinda prude," he scoffs as he continues to eye you up and down. "You're really makin' me wait for it."

"Sir, I'm not a sex worker. You're going to have to walk down the street a little more for that," you roll your eyes.

"I don't remember saying I was willing to pay."

"Then go jerk yourself off like all the other assholes who hit on me while I'm at my place of work. I'm off the fucking clock. I don't have to be nice to you right now," you shout at him.

"You don't need to be on the clock for this, love," he hums as he takes a step closer. "In fact, you won't need to worry about your job ever again."

As his words hit you and your eyebrows knit together in confusion, you look down and notice a large switchblade in his hand.

You start to back up and the man just grins as he follows you. He's much larger and his steps are wider. In the blink of an eye, he's got you pushed up against the same wall he was just leaning on a few minutes ago.

Your heart pounds as you watch the man lifts his knife to your throat. However, just as quickly as he's got you pushed up against the wall, he bashes his head into it beside you. Your whole body jumps as his blood splatters onto your face and he falls to the ground. Behind him, Sanzu stands tall. His eyes look wild as he looks down at the concussed man on the ground. But nothing prepares you for how brutally Sanzu begins to beat the shit out of the stranger.

All you could do at the time is watch frozen in fear as your coworker continues to beat the man up even after he's lost consciousness.

"Sanzu!" you shout at him as you grab onto his shoulders and try to pull him off. "That's enough! You're going to fucking kill him!"

However, Sanzu doesn't budge. With one punch after the next, he continues to take out all his anger on the corpse beneath him.

You feel absolutely sick to your stomach at the scene unfolding before you that you give up on Sanzu and instead, run away. You rush as fast as you can to your house, shut and lock the door, drop your things, and bolt to your bathroom. The moment you're down on your knees in front of the toilet, you toss up everything you ate that day.

You've seen a lot of things working at the nightclub, but that was the first time you witnessed someone brutally kill another person so maliciously. But Sanzu saved your life, so what the hell are you supposed to do? Turn him in? Thank him?

The following night when you see Sanzu, you act as though the scene never even happened. And he seemed to play along with it just as well. You both talked about taking the photos for social media without any awkward pauses and it wasn't until a year later that you finally acknowledge what he did for you that tragic night.

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now