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DAY 11

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DAY 11

It's been three days since you arrived at the health center with Hinata, Baji, and Draken. On your wrist, the number ten is engraved. You look up from your chair in Hinata's room and stand up to walk over to her. With a sigh, you flip over her wrist and check the number you know you'll inevitably find. One.

Though Hinata's asleep, she'll wake soon. Both of her pinky fingers had been infected from whatever tool had been used to cut them off so she'd had to stay in bed. However, if she wants to remain alive, she'll have to get out of bed today. Sooner, rather than later.

Just then, there's a knock on the door. You let go of Hinata's hand and look up just in time to see Baji walk into the room.

"How's she doing?" he asks.

"Still asleep," you reply. "But she needs to get up soon. That one on her arm is going to turn into a zero by the end of the day."

"Well you're right about that," Draken's voice agrees as he follows in just behind Baji. Emma, too, comes in with a plate of food in her hands. You watch as she carefully wakes Hinata up and helps her sit so she can eat her breakfast.

The four of you sit together talking quietly up until Hinata's just about done with her food. At that time, Mikey walks in to check on his patient.

"How're you feeling?" he asks as he starts to undo her latest bandages.

"It still really hurts," she winces as her wounds are exposed to the surrounding air. "But I'll deal with it."

"Good," he nods before looking over at Draken. "Why don't the three of you go get something to eat? I'll finish up with Hinata and make sure she's comfortable for a little while."

Draken's gaze meets yours once Mikey finishes. He can see the uneasiness in your eyes. But Mikey is a doctor. And you did agree to become part of their Taikyaki Fighters not-gang, gang. So you quietly give him the nod okay.

"Sure. Thanks Mikey," he nods.

Once the three of you walk out, you make your way over to the nurse's station where you see all kinds of foods set up. Mikey and Emma are there, too. Eating.

"Mikey?" Draken asks with confusion clear in his tone when he sees the two of them sitting there like they had been there for hours.

"I thought you said you were going to stay with Hinata," you chime in.

"What are you talking about?" Emma replies. "I haven't seen you all morning."

Quickly, you, Baji, and Draken share a look of worry before rushing back to Hinata's room as fast as you can.

"What the fuck?!" you huff as you run back to her room. "Was I hallucinating?"

"No, I swear to fucking God I saw them, too," Baji replies.

The second you arrive outside the room, Draken bursts open the door. Hinata's monitor is beeping like crazy and he rushes to her side while you and Baji look around the room. She's completely alone.

"Shit, she's going into shock! Someone get the fucking doctor back in here!" Draken shouts.

Baji rushes back to the nurse's station while you step closer to Hinata. "What do we do?" you quietly ask Draken. You've never seen anyone go into shock before. But you're pretty sure touching her is the wrong move to make.

"Back away!" Mikey shouts as he finally arrives on the scene.

"What do you need?" Emma asks as she grabs a blanket from the edge of the bed and loosely drapes it over Hinata's legs.

"I need an epinephrine injection and whatever kind of inotropic agent we got for after. Dobutamine. Dopamine. Milrinone. Then, come on standby for CPR," he tells her as he laces his hands together and reaches toward Hinata's chest, starting the CPR.

"On it," Emma nods before rushing out of the room.


"Hey, what's goin' on?" Shinichiro asks as I rush past him on my way to the small medication room on the other side of the nurse's station.

"She's going into fuckin' shock," I reply as I fumble through my desk for a set of keys.

"Be for real, Emma. She was stable when you checked on her an hour ago, wasn't she?" he asks as I finally find the key I'm looking for.

"I dunno what to tell you, Shinichiro. All I know is that I'm not going to let that girl fucking die. You know what that'll do to morale around here? Those newcomers already don't like us and I'm pretty fuckin' sure I'm the first one they'll take their anger out on," I begin to rant as I quickly walk toward the small medicine room.

Of course, Shinichiro follows right behind me.

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself," he tries to say calmly.

With a sigh, I stop and turn to face him, ignoring the tears that start to stream down my face. "If you're not going to help, then can you please stop distracting me? I already don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I'm a goddamn physical therapist, not an ER doctor!"

I can feel my whole body shake nervously as I look up at my older brother. I fucking hate this. The whole goddamn world. I miss my normal job. My normal life. Why can't things just go back to the way they were before?

"Which is why," he replies as he gently places his hands on my shoulders, "you can't blame yourself if this goes sour. Did Mikey tell you what he needs?"

"Yeah," I nod as he takes the keys out of my hand. "He said epinephrine. That means she'll need one milligram every three minutes followed by twenty milliliters of saline. He also wanted dopamine. Not sure how much. And help with the resuscitation."

"You know, you kinda sound like an ER doctor to me," Shinichiro smiles as he pats my shoulder. "Go lay down. I'll take care of this for you."

"But do you know how to-"

"Emma. Trust me. I've got this. You go worry about yourself for a little while, okay?"

"Okay," I nod as he searches for the correct key and slides it into the door.

Once he disappears onto the other side, I shuffle my way back to my desk and fall back into the chair. Thankfully, the others have gone so I'm left alone. But I do make a quick look around before reaching into one of the small drawers in my desk, one probably meant for storing extra staples and paper clips, and pull out a white bottle instead.

I quietly open the lid, making sure not to shake it too much before I draw any attention to myself. Then, when I look inside, I realize there's probably only a dozen small white pills left inside.

Nevertheless, I tilt the bottle to its side and shake one of the small pills into my palm. Without a second thought, I quickly pop it into my mouth.

Shit, that tastes so bad. I had almost forgotten how god-awful it is the second it touches my tongue.

I quickly put the bottle back where I found it- the one labeled OxyContin that I don't wish anyone else to find- and walk off to find a bit of water before laying down for a good long time.

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now