𝟸𝟽 | 𝙺𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚢

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"So, what've you got to eat?" you ask the man as he opens a small cooler and digs through it

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"So, what've you got to eat?" you ask the man as he opens a small cooler and digs through it.

"Uh, mostly canned stuff. Some overgrown potatoes," he hums. "How do you feel about hand-picked dried mushrooms?"

"Well as long as they were hand-picked," you tease, chuckling as you look over at Hinata who rolls her eyes at you.

When the man stands up with a container of mushrooms in his hands, his cat wanders over to you, sits down, and starts meowing.

"I don't think your cat liked my joke," you smile up at him.

"Peke wants to be let out. Do you mind opening the door for him?" the man then asks as he sets down the mushrooms on the table.

He then looks over at Hinata. "You and I can cut some of these up. I think they'll taste pretty good if we cook up some rice, too."

As they start to talk, you make your way back to the front of the laundromat, talking quietly to Peke J along the way.

Once you let him out, you walk over toward the others. However, just as you approach Hinata at the table, you hear a squelching noise and a sharp pain in your back.

"Shit!" Hinata gasps, standing up in her chair with a knife that he had given her.

"Don't fucking move," the strange man whispers to you, standing right behind you.

You turn your head slightly to the side and, looking down, see his knife deep in your back. As you reach for your gun, he quickly pulls it off your shoulder and throws it over his instead.

"When I tell you something, fucking listen," he scoffs before suddenly pulling the knife right out of you.

Weak at the knees, you reach for the table in front of you for a bit of support. At the same time, Hinata rushes behind you with a few paper towels and attempts to stop the bleeding.

"What the fuck was that about?" you snarl at him.

"I just lost a fucking day 'cause of you and that's how you act?" he scoffs.

"What the hell does a day matter when you kill us anyway?" you roll your eyes.

"Look, if I wanted you fucking dead I would've aimed for a different stop. See?" he says, extending out his arm to you when slowly, the seven on his hand turns into a six.

"That's why you should trust me," he continues. "I gave up a day for you."

"Stop acting like that's a big fucking sacrifice. All you did was waste a day that you got from killing someone else!" you try to remind him.

"Do you ever fucking listen to anything I say?" he groans, sitting in one of the chairs beside the small table.

"Maybe I'd listen if you weren't such an idiot. It doesn't matter how many days you fucking have. And when you kill someone you're basically giving them a free escape from this messed up place," you explain.

"Are you saying it's a good thing to kill people?" he scoffs.

"I'm saying it's like doing them a goddamn favor," you then answer.

"So how 'bout I do you a favor then, hm?" he grins.

"I could say the same thing as you," you reply just as smugly.

"I don't think you're right," he then shakes his head. "Not everybody here wants to die. You wouldn't be doing me a favor."

"And why not? What've you got to live for? Your cat?" you then ask him. This whole conversation makes your blood light on fire and Hinata's clumsy work on keeping you from passing out doesn't help but make you distracted.

"I don't want to die alone," he answers softly.

"Uh, don't get the wrong idea," Hinata interrupts, "but we don't plan on sticking around..."

"I wasn't referring to you two. But, uh, what are the two of you doing together? Bit of an odd pairing, don't you think?" he shrugs.

"How so?" Hinata replies with wide eyes.

Just as the man is about to answer her, probably with brutal honesty not in your favor, you interrupt. "We're looking for our friend."

"Oh? Think I can help?" he offers.

"Maybe if you stop being a huge dick and help Hinata before I bleed out then..." you begin to go on a rant before your knees finally give in and you start to fall from the blood loss.

Awhile later, you wake up laying face up on a small cot. You turn your head to the side and see the man sitting nearby with his shirt off, reading a book. Hinata's nowhere to be seen.

"Where's my friend?" you ask as you eye him up. The man is bigger than you remember. Absolutely ripped, too. He could have easily taken you out the second you held the gun to him outside the store.

"Hinata just walked off to the bathroom," he says as he shuts his book. "How're you feeling?"

You watch him silently as he stands up and approaches the cot. You swallow dryly as he then sits down beside you. "She told you her name?"

"No," he smiles smugly. "You did. Outside the store. And right before you passed out. She also told me yours, Y/N."

"That leaves you with the advantage," you reply. "Are you going to keep me in the dark forever?"

"It's Chifuyu Matsuno."

"What'd you do before you came here, Chifuyu?" you then ask. "I mean, for a living."

"I was a firefighter," he answers a bit uncomfortably as he looks down at the floor.

"You could've killed me the second we showed up," you think aloud.

"Again, I told you I don't want to do that."

As he speaks, you catch him eyeing your stomach. Following his gaze, you see that he's bandaged your whole waist. Leaving you topless except for your bra.

"Uh, your friend helped a lot," he then gulps. "I mean, she did most of the work."

Just then, his cat jumps up on the cot and nuzzles in beside you. "Thanks," you grin as Chifuyu starts petting his small pet.

"He's cute, you know," you then add.

"So you're not pissed anymore?" he questions, looking at you deeply as though preparing himself for the worst.

"I probably should still hate you for stabbing me but, you know, Hinata hasn't given up on me as a good person," you chuckle.

"I'm glad," he then nods, attempting to hide his smile. "Then do you think I could maybe," he begins, his words vibrating slowly into your ears. You can feel your heart rate kick up when you notice his eyes glance down at your lips.

"Yes," you suddenly cut him off. You wrap your arm around his neck and pull him closer, kissing him roughly.

Just as you can feel his lips against yours, Peke J hisses and scratches Chifuyu's arm. Chifuyu pulls away quickly, leaving you to see blood running down his arm.

Thankfully, there's a water bottle beside your cot. You quickly sit up and run the water against his scratch.

"It's okay," he tries to assure you as you pick up the shirt he had tossed on the ground and wipe his arm clean. "Peke's scratched me before."

"You don't know where the cat's been. I know he's yours but he's still wild," you remind him.

"I guess we can agree on that for once," he sighs. "Thanks, Y/N."

"You're welcome," you answer with a soft smile.

"Y/N!" you hear Hinata call from the other side of the room. "You're up!"

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now