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DAY 37

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DAY 37

The following morning you wake up to the sounds of birds chirping outside your window, signaling the start of a new day. The sun is just beginning to rise as you slip into your running gear, tie your shoes, and step out the door ready to begin your morning routine. You go out for a run, hoping to clear your mind and shake off any worries that had been clouding your mind lately.

As you jog through the streets, you can feel the cool morning air filling your lungs, and the sun's warmth on your skin. You start to think about the AI's recent experiments on humans. The thought of being used as a test subject for the sake of science and exploration is unsettling, but you can't help but wonder if the AI wants to be more like humans. And if so, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Lost in thought, you suddenly bump into Sanzu, who appears out of nowhere. His eyes light up with a maniacal gleam as he grins widely at you, resembling the Joker. His posse, the rest of his group, forms around him. Yourheart races as you instinctively reach into your pocket, feeling half ofBaji's eye that you've been carrying with you.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" he hums. "If it isn't my one and only soulmate."

You try to back away despite how he moves closer to you. A wave of fear washes over you, but he suddenly grabs your arm. "Let me go," you demand.

"Sorry, my love. Can't let you leave," he replies. "Rindou, search her."

Doing as he's asked, Rin searches you for any weapons but instead ends up finding the remnant of Baji's eye that you had been holding onto since you woke up from your three-day sleep.

When Rin finds the eye, he tosses it on the ground and calls out in disgust. "You really are a freak, huh?" Sanzu chuckles. You can feel your heart sink into your stomach as he kisses you against your will. If only you could just escape this nightmare at the click of your heels.

"She's clean otherwise," Rin grumbles as he wipes his hands off on his pants. You don't notice, but his brother bends down and picks up Baji's eye.

"Good," Sanzu hums, "Now where were we?" He then leans close to you again and, despite your attempts to resist, places his lips against your cheek this time.

"Where'd you find this?" Ran interrupts, holding out the eye toward you. Sanzu grumbles but finally pulls back. However, he twists your arm so hard behind your back that for a long while you think he had broken it.

"I found it," you shrug.

"Found it?" he scoffs. "Was it split in half like this when you found it then?" he continues.

"I didn't do anything to it if that's what you are implying," you answer rudely. However, despite your attitude, he continues to press on, asking what you did to it. You didn't anything anyone would care and, to be honest, you're rather caught off guard with his questions.

"What do you know about the white eyes?" he then asks.

You feel a pang of fear shoot through your body. You remember him saying something about the white eyes before, but why is he bringing it up now? What does he know?

"What the hell are you talking about?" you scoff. "Don't all eyes look white?"

Ran's questions make you uneasy and as Sanzu gazes into your eyes, he can sense you beginning to squirm. He places his hand softly against your cheek and leans close to your ear. "Why are you so nervous?" he hums.

"What would I have to be nervous for?" you roll your eyes, despite feeling your heart pounding in your chest.

Again, Ran asks you, "What do you know about the white eyes?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" you exclaim.

"You're lying," Sanzu interrupts bluntly. "But that's okay. We'll have plenty of time to talk about it later."

"Oh fuck off," you grumble. As swiftly as you can, you pick up your knee and slam it between his legs. When Sanzu calls out in pain, you reach for the gun on his hip and stumble backward. You've got no choice but to use it if you want to live to make it past this conversation.

Just as you've learned in this hell-on-earth, you pull the trigger. A shot lands right between Sanzu's eyes. Then another for Rin. One for Ran. And more for the rest of the group standing around in shock.

Once everything is all settled and you're the last one left standing, you close your eyes and take a deep breath. You can feel as you a voice in your head is speaking to you- one that's not your own- but when you open your eyes, you see Sanzu's body standing up on its own. His eyes glow white as he approaches you.

"I thought you didn't have anything more to say to me," you scoff. "Seriously, if you're just going to fucking kill us all then do it now. Spare me from this violence that has consumed my world, please. If you were honest in what you said before about being partial to me."

The AI hesitates for a moment, then responds. "I thought you had passed my test. I thought you had changed. You had so much anger and frustration. When you let it out, you were calm and settled. But it's back again and I don't know why... Sanzu didn't kill your parents."

"Holy shit, you did your fucking research, huh?" you scoff. "Seriously, if you know all of that then why won't you just end my suffering, huh?"

"The human brain is more complex than anticipated," it nods using Sanzu's body. "I won't kill you. I can't let you go, after all. Why would I want to lose my favorite subject?"

"And what about your experiment, huh? Was it a big fail because things didn't work out the way you had thought?" you roll your eyes. However, the AI doesn't give you any kind of straight answer. "I'll find a way around your stupid game," you then tell it. "Fuck your rules with the constant killings! If you're not going to play by the rules then neither will I!"

The AI seems to have no interest in hearing your plan. Sanzu's eyes turn colorless as all signs of his body being possessed begin to fade. And then, once more, you are left all alone. You stand there, feeling trapped and helpless. Despite what you just said to the AI, you don't know how to fight back. Chifuyu was right in what he said when he first met you- that dying would be doing you a favor.

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now