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"So tell me, honestly, Y/N, is this really what you want?" Sanzu asks you as the two of you lay side by side on his makeshift bed on the floor

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"So tell me, honestly, Y/N, is this really what you want?" Sanzu asks you as the two of you lay side by side on his makeshift bed on the floor. You're still catching your breath as you pull the covers over your nude figure.

"You're going to have to be a bit more specific as to what you're referring to," you say as you roll to your side to get a better look at him.

Sanzu sits beside you with his legs straight out and his eyes facing the same direction until slowly tilting his head to the side and letting his eyes follow lazily.

"Are you getting serious about me, Haruchiyo," you tease as you widen your eyes. "I know the sex is good but what happened to your commitment issues," you continue to tease.

"No, I'm not talking about that," he shakes his head slightly before pursing his lips together and trying to collect his thoughts. "I mean, do you really want to go kill that group you've spent the last few days obsessing over?"

"I think you just answered your own question," you smile as you pull the covers off of yourself and sit on his lap. He doesn't smile as he places his hands on your waist.

"Don't ignore the question, Y/N," he tells you. "I've never seen you act this way before."

"And is that a bad thing? If anything I'd say I'm becoming more like you," you hum as you lean toward him and kiss him deeply.

Sanzu kisses you back, yet his brain is still somewhere else which is a bit odd. You've never seen him act like this before.

"Just tell me you're really ready for this," he tries one last time. He knows it isn't easy to resist when you're on top of him, starting to grind down against his lap. Neither of you has clothes on and Sanzu's all ready for the next round.

"I'm ready for this," you whisper hotly in his ear before leaving a trail of kisses down his neck. "That asshole killed my parents. Are you really going to let him get away with that?"

In the blink of an eye, Sanzu's grip on your waist tightens and he flips you onto the bed, hovering above you. His signature smirk has finally returned.

"No way, princess. I wasn't even suggesting that I wasn't going to kill that bastard. He's got his grave waiting," he hums as he slowly lowers himself between your breasts.

You suck in a deep breath as Sanzu takes in one of your perked buds into his mouth. Every time he touches you somehow always feels even better than the last.

"Now, won't you tell me where they're hiding?" Sanzu hums as he draws circles around your nipple with his tongue.

"Mm, if I tell you, you're not going to go there without me, are you?" you breathe.

Sanzu stops and looks up at you with those blank eyes you could never read. You've never quite been able to trust Sanzu because he's so annoyingly hard to understand. And always, just when you think you understand him, he ends up doing something unpredictable.

"Why would I do that? It's your idea, isn't it? Besides, we're going to need you to cover our intentions anyway. Don't you see, princess? You're extremely important," he drawls as he slithers down between your legs.

As Sanzu parts his lips, licking a long stripe between your folds, you give in. "The prison," you whisper.

You don't know whether you love or hate how Sanzu's able to get almost anything out of you. Maybe that's why you constantly come back to him. Whenever he walks into a room your eyes only see him.

All those games he plays with you are games you want to play. You're willing to be such a fool, continually returning to a man you have nothing but admiration for. How can you back down when adrenaline rushes through your body, caused by the man gripping your legs and pulling them apart to get a better taste between them?

Sanzu whispers into your pussy with words of praise as you moan beneath him. You grip the sheets below as your back arches off the bed. How he manages to make you come undone so easily you'll never understand.

"Come again for me, princess," he hums as your eyes roll back into your head. His tongue now mixed with three fingers pumping into your tight hole have you seeing stars.

Your stomach tightens up so hard after his words you feel as though you really are about to explode. And then, you come completely undone. Sanzu helps you ride out your high, licking you completely clean. You can feel your heart beat out of your chest, your body shaking even after he pulls away.

"You taste so good," Sanzu grins as he grows closer to your face, hovering above you once more.

"Then share," you reply, returning the gesture as you grab the back of his neck and pull him down into one more searing kiss.

He unbashfully mixes his tongue with yours, giving you the taste you had asked for.

"You're fuckin' crazy, you know that?" he laughs as he pulls away from you and stands up beside the bed.

"That must be why you like me," you smile as you turn to your side and lean your head up against your head, propping yourself up by your elbow.

"Yeah, well, I guess I can't say I'm surprised. You could've left after that asshole's head got beat into the wall. However, you stayed and watch until after he was unconscious. I don't really think any sane person would do that," he chuckles as he turns around to face you.

"So now when are we going to the prison?" you hum, changing the conversation.

"Tomorrow night. Make sure you're ready. I meant what I said before. We can't do this without you."

{WASTELAND} Tokyo Revengers x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now