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Scrawny - Wallows

You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile

Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle


That Wednesday Jade sat in the same seat she did on Monday, hoping she could count on the boy she still didn't know the name of to occupy the seat beside her again. He might've been forward and cocky, but he didn't have a god complex about it like she thought Ashton did. Her eyes would linger on the door every few seconds, waiting for his green eyes to enter the room.

Only a mere two or three minutes before class was set to start did he finally walk in, two coffees in hand, and instantly scanned the room until his eyes found the blonde. A sly smile tugging at his lips as he noticed she once again didn't have coffee, he slid in beside her and silently set a coffee on her desk. The question was, would she take the bait?

Looking between the boy and drink a few times, she finally picked up the cup and turned it to read the order on the side. And the name.

Michael. Iced Caramel Macchiato.

With a small smile she took a sip and set it back on the desk. But she didn't say anything to the boy, not a single word throughout the entire class until after their professor gave them a small assignment. Just to come to class next with a few songs that they pull inspiration from. The boy got up first this time, heading out the classroom and making Jade take long strides to keep up with the blonde boy, still carrying the drink with her.

"Hey uh, thank you for the coffee." She smiled, finally falling into step with him. "You didn't have to do that."

"I was already at Starbucks." He smiled, glancing at the girl, noticing she was walking alongside him instead of the direction she had earlier that week. "So I figured why not grab you something too?"

"Well, thank you." She whispered. "I really appreciate it, Michael."

"Oh?" He stopped and looked at her, eyebrows raised.

"It was on the cup." she smiled, crinkling her nose in the process. "So, I'll see you in class on Monday?"

"Yeah, yeah." he nodded, pulling out his phone and handing it to her. "Let me get your number, that way if you change your mind about that party?"

"I'll think about it." She laughed lightly, putting her number in his phone, and handing it back. "Can't wait to hear from you."

The girl didn't hear from him until Friday night, and until then she was feeling a little discouraged. Maybe she read their interactions wrong? That he wasn't actually interested in her? She couldn't be too upset, he wasn't even normally her type, but there was something about him that just intrigued her.

But on her couch, Alexis out with some friends for the night, she finally got a text from an unknown number, and couldn't help the small smile it elicited.


hey it's michael


whats ur fav color?


Hey! I'd say it's probably blue. whyyy?

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