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Cardigan - Taylor Swift

And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite


While everyone back in Manhattan was stressing about the blonde and wondering where she could possibly be, she was sitting at her ex-boyfriends house enjoying a glass of coffee. She quite honestly didn't think the group would even care that she was gone, let alone start falling behind on their studies from worrying so much.

Even Michael, though he'd never tell a soul. He blamed himself. How could he not? Ashton was right when he came to his apartment, and he deserved a lot more than the few punches he received. He called her once, and left a short voicemail telling her that everyone was worried, including himself. But the girl deleted it, then blocked his number without a second thought. She didn't even listen to the message.

Ashton was a mess, calling the girl at least a few times everyday Just hoping at least once she would pick up and tell him she was okay. He just wanted to know she was safe. But the blonde didn't block his number, she debated answering every time his name flashed across her screen.

"So I was thinking." Reese smiled, leaning onto the counter across from the girl, his palms flat as they met eyes.

Letting off a small laugh, she spoke up. "Oh no, you didn't hurt yourself, did you?"

Rolling his eyes, he stood up straight again before walking around to the side she was on, and wrapping his arms around her from behind. "Come to work with me today, we can pretend you're my assistant."

"I don't know, Reese." She whispered hesitantly. "I'm not sure I really want to step foot on campus."

"I'll be with you the whole time." He mumbled, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck.

The girl went to argue, letting out a quiet sigh as he pulled away from her. Suddenly he spun her stool around, giving her another sweet smile, causing her to play with the idea. It would be nice to see campus again, safely tucked away in Reese's classroom and helping him with anything he needed.

"You don't have to, but it'd be fun to be there together." He tried, resting his palms on the counter as he leaned closer to her face. "Bring back all the good memories."

"Fine." She laughed lightly again, rolling her eyes at the boy in front of her. "But only today, I need to find a job."

"Yeah yeah." He chuckled, kissing the top of her head before pushing off the counter. "Let's go get ready."

Meanwhile, Calum was talking with the admissions office, begging them to give him Delilah's address. He couldn't stress enough how worried he and his friends were about the girl, and that they just want to know that she's okay. He might've bent the truth a little, saying that his buddy was engaged to the girl, and it's not like her to just up and disappear like this.

And it worked.

He wasn't so much as 'happy' but just relieved that they had a start as to where they could look for her and find out if everything was okay. The boy's best friend was an absolute mess, he was sure Ashton hadn't eaten much more than a few bites to eat in days, and he's barely left his room.

"Go shower." Calum popped his head into the boys room, raising his eyebrows. "I got Jade's address, and we're gonna go check on her."

"You got it?" The older of the two pushed himself up, sighing quietly as his friend nodded. He did as he was told and showered, grabbing his keys on the way out of his bedroom to meet with the other three in the hallway. No intention of driving himself, he just needed that damned keychain that matched the blondes necklace with him.

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