
133 6 14

traitor - Olivia Rodrigo

Brown guilty eyes and little white lies
Yeah, I played dumb but I always knew
That you'd talk to her, maybe did even worse
I kept quiet so I could keep you


"Mike, we're gonna be late for class." Jade whined, waiting impatiently by the front door of his apartment. "We have to stop at Starbucks, I got like no sleep last night at all."

"That's not my fault, babe." he chuckled, stepping beside her and grabbing his keys from the counter.

"It's completely your fault." She stared at him with wide eyes and hit him on the chest once he answered.

"Let me rephrase, it's not my fault that you couldn't keep your hands off me." The smug look on his face was enough to make her want to take his keys and leave his ass there. But she knew Ashton would probably sit beside her just to annoy her, and was honestly starting to avoid him.

"I was not the one that couldn't keep their hands off someone." She grew frustrated, thinking of the countless times she tried to just cuddle Michael the night before

"You liked it." he whispered with his lips ghosting over her ear, starting to leave soft kisses down the side of her neck from behind. "Let's skip class and just have fun today babe. You and me."

He was quick to reconnect his lips to her neck as soon as she started to protest, making sure to find her sweet spot quickly. "Mike..." she breathed out, her eyes fluttering closed as she leaned back against his chest.

The blue haired boy chuckled against her skin, dropping his backpack and keys to the ground before pulling the girl's bag from her shoulders and carefully setting it on the ground. After two weeks with the girl, he knew she'd throw a fit that her laptop was in her bag if he carelessly dropped it like his own.

"Come on baby, spend the day with me and let me make you feel so good you're screaming my name." he whispered, barely pulling away as he turned the girl so they were chest to chest, and he could back her against the front door.

"I don't know, Mikey." She whispered, shaking her head as he trapped her against the door, moving his lips to the other side of her neck. The thin material of the shirt she was wearing didn't do anything to hide the fact that she opted for no bra that morning, and was quickly met with her boyfriend's cold fingers pushing under the fabric and brushing over her nipples, begging her to stay home with him.

"Jade, com on baby." He mumbled against her neck again, slowly moving up and leaving a wet trail to right below her ear. "We can get notes from people in our classes and just take a day fully to ourselves."

She debated, thinking about what classes she had that day. Songwriting was easy, professor Talbot would give her a quick rundown of what they went over in class if Jade emailed her and said she was sick. A few others were just basic prerequisites that, like Michael said, she could get notes from classmates.

"I can't miss my afternoon classes, but I'll give you the morning." she whispered, already starting to pull her shirt over her head, Michael's gaze quickly falling to her chest, his tongue darting out of his mouth. "Which means I have to be on campus by one, okay?"

He hummed in response, leaning down and connecting his lips to her neck again as his hands landed on her hips to pull her closer. "Mhm, yeah whatever."

Jade pulled him to the bedroom, letting him pin her to the bed almost instantly. Kisses left all over her bare upper body, the girl was a moaning, gasping mess. It felt like a mere few seconds before they were both undressed, and Michael was fully ready to just start fucking her then and there. But Jade was quick to pull him down to kiss her neck again, her own fingers moving between her legs.

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