somewhere only we know

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Somewhere Only We Know -Keane

This could be the end of everything
So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?


Delilah couldn't help but smile every time that boys name flashed across her screen while she was at home, thankful that she had him to help get her through break. Especially when her own boyfriend sent her one text the entire time, and it was for Christmas. Not to mention, he didn't even question why she was going back to her apartment so early. 

She didn't understand what she did, why Michael wasn't the boyfriend she thought he'd be. Why he didn't give her the attention that Ashton did. For fuckssake he texted her one time in the span of an entire week, and 'Christmas' wasn't even spelled out.

But Ashton was there the entire time, constant texts coming through, making the girl smile. From the moment she pulled into her driveway, all the way back to her apartment on Christmas day.

The roads were absolutely terrible, did you make it home safe?

Just pulled into the driveway, about to go face the wrath of my dad when he sees my tainted blonde hair.

I know you mentioned it, but did you have plans for NYE?

Not yet, but I've been told of a lot of parties

You doing something with Michael?

if not, maybe the two of us could do something together

He hasn't said anything about plans. I'm not even sure if he'll be back at the apartments by then

come to a party with me, and if Mike ends up making plans you can go with him but if not, then say you'll go somewhere with me

I'll think about it ash

My dad commented on my hair... he's not happy

Don't let him get to you, you're allowed to express yourself

I just hate when he's disappointed

He's probably just surprised, not disappointed 


Morning beautiful, have a wonderful day today

2 days until christmas, 9 days until i get to see you

i might've gotten you a present

how are things with your dad?

he hasn't been talking to me much, but it feels like he's trying to replace me and my mom

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