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Lovebug - Jonas Brothers

Now I'm speechless
Over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again


As Ashton started singing, Jade was taken back. In no way whatsoever did she expect him to have such a beautiful voice, and for him to actually feel comfortable singing in front of her. "If I can dream long enough, you'd tell me I'd be just fine. I'll be just fine." The boy stopped singing and stared back at Jade until she realized her hands stopped moving and she was just listening to him sing. "Something wrong?"

"No. No sorry." She quickly shook her head "I just didn't expect that."

"Expect what?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Uhm, you singing, just overall I didn't expect you- I don't know." She whispered, embarrassed she was caught staring. "You just don't seem like the kind of guy that sings."

"Like I said, I was in a band." He chuckled, shaking his head.

"Okay, that doesn't necessarily mean you sang though." She rolled her eyes playfully, situating herself on the couch again. "What were the lyrics? I want to change the music a little to fit them better."

"Oh, uhm yeah. Here." He pulled the lyrics back up on his phone that he wrote well over a year ago and for the life of him couldn't figure out what to do with it. Once he handed her the phone, she read over the first few lines he had sung and positioned her hands on the guitar.

She strummed and sang, changing the way she played only the slightest bit, but causing Ashton to stare at her in complete awe. She wasn't wearing makeup, and he was happy to see that he was right about his assumption about freckles. Lightly scattered over her cheeks and nose, it was a wonder as to why she usually covered them up. He enjoyed them greatly.

The girl's eyes were focused on his phone resting on her lap, reading the lyrics as she sang, and as much as he wanted to close his eyes and just hear her voice, he wanted to watch her too. She was so gentle with the instrument in her hands, her voice filling the room so effortlessly, all while looking so flawless without even trying.

As she finished singing the first few lines, she stopped her hands, resting one over the strings to mute them. Ashton quickly looked away from the girl before she lifted her head to look at him, and smiled softly. "How was that?" She whispered.

"It sounded good." He nodded, slowly looking back at her, face to face. Only a mere few inches apart. "Yeah, it was... good."

Jade took a long, quiet breath. "So, is this song about Her? Uhm, Haley?"

As he nodded he leaned back, realizing just how close their faces were, their noses almost touching. He hated how bad he wanted to kiss her. "Yeah, I've been writing it for a while."

"It's beautiful." She smiled at him.

"Hey uh-" He cleared his throat, looking away from her. "What was on your mind earlier? It looked like something was bothering you?"

"Oh no, no I'm fine." She shook her head, biting at the inside of her cheek. "Clear mind, just focused on the project."

Ashton raised his eyebrows at the girl, not quite believing her, but not wanting to push her. He wasn't sure what to say, so he slowly looked back at her, wanting to admire her features again. He liked how close they were sitting, how he could see her freckles and smell her hair, even if that might've been weird. He thought about the way she'd call him Ash and how every time his heart would skip a beat at the single syllable. Or the way she wasn't afraid to talk back to him, that she put up with his annoying comments. It scared him.

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