story of us

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The Story of Us - Taylor Swift

Oh, I'm scared to see the ending
Why are we pretending this is nothing?
I'd tell you I miss you but I don't know how
I've never heard silence quite this loud


The boy was dropped off at a hotel not long after. He thought about getting a room for the night, but instead opted to take an Uber to a closer hotel in order to track down the girl. He just wanted to get her back. Bring her back to school and remind her what she's worth.

But it was late when he got to his hotel. Everything would have to wait until the next day, so he booked a room and went up to attempt to sleep. Ashton felt so much closer to finding the girl than he did just hours earlier. Maybe, just maybe he could get some good sleep that night.

Delilah had still yet to listen to any voicemails left by her friends, or answer any calls or texts from them. She felt like she had to leave that life behind, that she didn't deserve it after what she had done. Everything with Reese, then cheating on Michael, and everything with her father. She felt as if she was just hurting the people around her and disappointing them at every opportunity.

The unanswered calls and texts didn't stop Ashton from calling again though, laying in bed and staring at the ceiling of his hotel room. He closed his eyes and pictures her lying there next to him, her head on his chest as he played with her hair.

"Hey uh- I'm not sure if you're getting any of these calls or texts. From me or anyone else..." he paused, taking a deep breath. "And I know I've said it a lot, but we're all really worried about you and just want to know that you're okay. We uh- we went to your dads today, and he hadn't heard from you. So he told us to try your moms, and she hadn't either." Ashton stopped again, opening his eyes before closing them almost instantly. "She said you might be with Reese, and as much as I want to see you and know where you are. To know that you're okay. I really hope you're not with him, Delilah. You're so much better than that. You deserve someone who would do anything to help you and save you from things happening like they did with him. I refuse to let you drop out of MSM, you're too talented."

The boy paused again, sighing deeply and pushing himself to sit up. "I miss you, and seeing you every morning when we were leaving our apartments. I miss hearing your voice and your laugh, it was fucking contagious. I doubt you're listening to this, but if you are with Reese... I'm uh- I'm gonna come get you tomorrow. If I have to walk all of Julliard's campus and search every classroom for him for weeks-" Ashton sharply inhaled. "I'll do it, just to find you and help you see you're worth so much more than you think you are."

Ashton finally ended the call and tossed his phone on the bed beside him. There was no way he was going to get sleep that night, far too worried about the blonde and if she was with Reese.


The older boy didn't get much sleep, but neither did Delilah. She hadn't slept well since she disappeared. She missed Ashton more than she could admit, and it was killing her to ignore every call and text that came her way from the boy. Reese on the other hand had been sleeping amazingly. Having the blonde in his bed again, being around her period had him happier than he had been in months. But he did notice the same name lighting up the girl's phone on the daily, and took note that she never answered.

Ashton was prepared to search the entire campus, but luckily when he walked into the admissions office, the first office he could find, they would be a great deal of help. While he was getting some information on the professor and where he was teaching, Delilah was at the man's desk, just about to finish writing another song. At least the lyrics to another song. That would be the third since she disappeared.

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