shout out to my ex

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Shout out to My Ex - Little Mix

I hope she gettin' better sex
Hope she ain't fakin' it like I did, babe
Took four long years to call it quits
Forget that boy, I'm over it


Arriving back at the apartments, the sun was almost completely set, and Ashton could help but steal glances at the pink haired girl beside him as he pulled into the parking spot. It was like she was absolutely glowing. He was jealous that Michael got to see her like that, that he could call her his.

The girl sighed quietly, laying her head back and closing her eyes for a moment. "Why am I so tired at six pm?" She whispered.

"Because you drank so much last night." He chuckled, shaking his head. "But you had a good time, that's what matters."

"I did have a good time." She smiled, turning her head to look at him. "Thanks for uh, getting me back here safe and for giving me a place to sleep."

"Couldn't leave you in the hallway." He answered quietly, looking back at her. "I mean I could have, maybe next time I will."

"There's the asshole I first met." She laughed, leaning forward to pick her back up from her feet.

"Damn, calling me out." Playfully rolling his eyes, he started climbing from the car just as the girl did. "I'll make sure to be an ass more often."

She went to answer, but instead her gaze fell to her phone in her hands. "Oh, that's Michael." she whispered, glancing at Ashton before bringing her phone to her ear. "Hey."

"Hey." He breathed out a slow, shaky breath. "I got your text, but I'm holed up at the library working on a paper that's due tomorrow." He paused. "I'll probably be here pretty late."

"Okay, let me know if I can get you anything." She answered quietly, walking alongside Ashton into the building.

"Of course baby." He chuckled, suddenly stopping. "Oh fuck-"

"Everything okay?" Jade brows furrowed together, staring at her feet as she walked.

"Oh yeah- yeah." He let out another long shaky breath. "Just remembered I have other homework I need to do too."

"Alright, well get that done and I'll see you in class tomorrow." She sighed, giving Ashton a small smile as he held the door open to the building.

"See you tomorrow, babe." her boyfriend said before hanging up.

"So, about that ride to class in the morning..." Jade whispered, looking up at Ashton as they stepped into the elevator together.

"Meet me in the hallway, and you can ride with me." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Better not make me late, Carmichael."

"Me? Late?" She laughed, rolling her eyes. "I'm usually sitting in class for a good fifteen minutes before you even get there."

"Damn you notice when I get to class?" Ashton smirked, nudging the girl with his elbow. "You're totally in love with me aren't you?"

"You're insanely aggravating."

"You said attractive wrong." He leaned down to whisper in her ear as the elevator doors opened.

Shoving him away, Jade walked down the hallway towards their rooms and started fishing out her key. "I'll see you in the morning, I have some homework I need to get done tonight."

"Shit our psych paper is due tomorrow isn't it?"

"Not until Wednesday." She smiled at him over her shoulder as she pulled the door open. "You still have time if you haven't finished it."

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