very first night

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Very First Night - Taylor Swift

I remember the night at the hotel
I was ridin' in the car when we both fell
I'm the one on the phone as you whisper
"Do you know how much I miss you?"


That short car ride felt like it was going on forever, the tension between the two in the backseat filling the car so thick it was hard to breathe. Maybe it was the idea that the two of them could have been doing something completely different at that moment, but it didn't matter. The shared looks between the two was enough to take their breath away.

"Do you have any idea how much I missed you, Delilah?" Ashton whispered as the car started coming to a stop outside the hotel.

"Tell me." She whispered back, the smallest smile on her face before Ashton thanked the driver and climbed from the car. He was quick to offer his hand to the blonde, helping her from the car as well.

Linking his fingers with hers, he laughed as he pulled her into the hotel. "Did you listen to any of my voicemails?"

She hesitated before answering, just as they made it to the elevator. "Um no- I didn't. I could bring myself to." She admitted, looking up at him.

"Good, don't." He laughed, shaking his head. "I definitely embarrassed myself and spilled a secret for a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" Delilah raised her eyebrows, being pulled into an empty elevator a moment later. "What- for me?"

Letting go of her hand, but wasting no time to attach both to her hips, Ashton smiled down at her. "Yeah, a surprise for you." He paused. "So you can't listen to any of my voicemails."

"Then you have to tell me how much you missed me." She whispered again, placing her hands on his chest gently. "Cause it might help convince me to come back to Manhattan."

"I don't think it matters how much- why aren't we moving?" He cut himself off, eyebrows furrowed before Delilah laughed loudly.

"You never pressed the button."

Laughing along with her, he finally did just that and turned back to look at her. "As I was saying before you laughed at me." He joked. "What matters now is that I have you back, and I know you're safe."

"Ash-" the blonde started just before he cut her off.

"No no no." He shook his head. "Don't say my name like that, nothing good ever comes after it."

"It is good, I promise." She smiled, nodding her head. "I just wanted to say thank you for caring enough to come find me."

Ashton couldn't help it, leaning down and pressing a shirt soft kiss on the girl's lips. "I was a wreck. Clutching my damned keychain that matches your necklace every moment I could. Just wishing you'd come back or text me or something."

"Keychain?" Delilah asked as the elevator door opened, and he began leading them down to his room. Ashton didn't speak up again until he was pushing the door open to the hotel room. "Ash, what keychain?"

"When I got you that necklace, I got myself a keychain too. But instead of drumsticks, I got a little bass." He paused. "To represent you, and what you mean to me."

Delilah Jade didn't have a clue as to what to say, so instead, as she heard the door close, she pushed onto her toes and left a quick kiss on his cheek. But it wasn't enough, she pushed up again, that time pressing her lips to his as his hands found her hips like before.

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