heart attack

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Heart Attack -Demi Lovato

Never put my love out on the line
Never said yes to the right guy
Never had trouble getting what I want
But when it comes to you, I'm never good enough


Before the two knew it, the rest of their friends were back at school, and getting ready to go to dinner together. Well everyone but Delilah was. She had been in the shower when her friends got back to school, hearing both Alexis and Luke in the room as she stepped onto the bath mat. Throwing her hair into a towel then wrapping one around her body, she stepped from the bathroom.

"Sorry, I didn't think you guys would be back and I didn't bring clothes in the bathroom with me." Delilah mumbled, holding her towel tight as both her roommate and Luke both looked at her.

"You're fine." Alexis rolled her eyes playfully, pulling on one of her shoes. "Are you not coming to dinner with us?"

"What do you mean?" the girl in the towel furrowed her brows, starting to dig through her dresser from some clothes after walking into her room.

"Did Michael not tell you?" The tall blonde asked, leaning back against the counter and crossing his arms over his chest.

"I haven't really talked to Michael, I think we were both just a little too busy over break." She called out, checking to make sure her door was mostly closed, then dropping her towel to quickly pull her clothes on. "Like I said I didn't even know you guys were back."

"Well you're invited." The girl could hear Alexis right outside her bedroom door. "It's nothing special but we'll all be there, and I'm sure it just slipped Michael's mind to text you or something."


Hey babe." Michael smiled as his girlfriend slid into the booth beside him. "I didn't know you were coming."

"I didn't know about the dinner at all." She whispered, glancing at him, then looking at Ashton across the table just as her boyfriend's lips met her cheek. Eye's narrowing at the boy across the table as he pulled away, neither of them noticed, too lost in the thought of their 'not date' "So Alexis invited me."

"How was your break?" He asked quietly, resting his hand on her thigh. Much too high for Delilah's liking, causing her to discreetly push it close to her knee, glancing back to him.

"It was fine, just studied and worked on some songs the whole time." She shrugged lightly, sighing. "What about you? How was home?"

Hearing everyone talk about their breaks with Ashton, had Delilah wanting to include herself in their conversation, but she would finish her conversation with her boyfriend first. "It was really good, saw my mom and hung out with some other old friends."

Delilah didn't know much about his life before her, but she was sure he had never mentioned any other friends besides the ones at the table. It made her wonder just how friendly he was with those friends.

"That's nice." She smiled and nodded, trying to push the idea of him cheating on her again far from her mind. As much as she hated herself for it, she still hoped that he could actually care for her. Actually love her. "Tell me about them, what did you do?"

"Just some old friends from high school, hung out, watched some tv and played some video games." Michael shrugged, moving his hand back up her thigh. "Wish I could've been here with you, all alone for days where we could do whatever we wanted."

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