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Nonsense - Sabrina Carpenter

I'm talkin' all around clock
I'm talkin' hope nobody knocks
I'm talkin' opposite of soft
I'm talkin' wild, wild thoughts


The blonde wasn't at Michaels for much longer. In no way were they friends, but it was a start to possibly mending things between them a little. Delilah wasn't sure she needed to completely fix things with him, he had hurt her terribly in her defense. But it was clear that he was trying to be a better person, and she respected that.

She hadn't even realized she had a few new messages on her phone until she was walking back to her apartment, and thought about using that as an opportunity to call her mom. Seeing his name across her screen made her heart skip a beat, happily going to answer him when a third message came through.

I can't wait to see you

I'll probably be back in an hour or something

Let me know if you need anything, hope things are going okay with Michael

Feeling her cheeks heat as she stopped outside her own apartment building, she leaned against the wall as she texted him back.

Things actually went really good, i'm gonna call my mom now

And i can't wait to see you either

The blonde hadn't seen her mom in close to a year, and hadn't spoken to her for even longer. It took everything in her to pull up her contact and just stare at it. She didn't know how to ask her for money when she hadn't even been a good daughter recently. But it wasn't all on Delilah, her mom hadn't reached out either.

But she had to do it, even if her mom wouldn't help financially, the girl wanted her mom back. She missed her so much and just wished things would go back to normal. Before the divorce, before Reese, before her dad focused purely on work. Just... normal.

As she brought her phone to her ear, wrapping her arms around herself before deciding to step into the building, just waiting by the elevators to see if she'd pick up. The more it rang, she started losing more and more hope, pressing the elevator button as she thought there was no chance. But then the line clicked, and there was no voicemail following.

"Delilah?" Her mothers voice came from the other end quietly, as if she were in bed and the girl woke her up. It was almost eight, making it very possible. "Honey?"

God did she miss her mom so much, thinking she had no tears left and just being proved wrong as her eyes glossed over. "Hey- hey mom, I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?"

A small laugh left her mothers lips as she shook her head to herself. "Oh no, sweetheart. We're just watching a movie. What's up? Is everything okay? Your friends stopped by-"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Everything worked out and I'm back at school now." She answered, staring down at her feet as she continued to talk. "Um, there was something I needed to talk to you about. Is there any way you could get lunch or something one of these days?"

"Sweetheart what's wrong?" The woman stood from the couch, smiling softly at her husband before walking to the kitchen and leaning against the counter. "Obviously whatever is bothering you is important, talk to me."

Taking a deep breath, she looked out into the parking lot from inside the building, staring at her car. "Dad got a new girlfriend and he talked about wanting to help her daughter with school..." She trailed off into a whisper. "And to do that he's not helping me anymore."

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