ghost of you

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Ghost of You - 5sos

If I can dream long enough
You'd tell me I'd be just fine
I'll be just fine


Jade woke up to a horrible pounding headache that was only getting worse as the pounding on the apartment door seemed to get louder. It felt like someone was repeatedly hitting her head against a brick wall. All she wanted was for it to stop.

"What the fuck do you want?" Ashton groaned, opening his door and finding the pink haired boy in front of him.

"Is she here? She's not answering my texts or calls." Michael stared down the older boy in front of him.

"Who?" Ashton chuckled, shaking his head and leaning against the door frame.

"Jade." he answered fatly.

"Oh yeah, your girlfriend." Ashton nodded, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows. "Yeah she's here. IS something wrong-"

"-Ashton stop." The girl sat up on the couch, pressing her hands into her eyes. "Please don't start anything with him."

"I knew you were going to a party but did you really have to wear that?" Michael stepped into the apartment, brushing shoulders with Ashton. "For fuckssake Jade, it's like you're asking for guys to hit on you."

The girl sighed, running her hands over her face a few times. "Mike, everyone knows we're together." She paused. "Plus I was with Alexis, Luke, and Ashton pretty much the entire night."

"And you're over here on his couch why?" her boyfriend raised his eyebrows, looking at her accusingly.

"I was drunk off my ass and didn't have my key." She shrugged. "I could barely keep myself upright, Mike. Nothing happened."

"There's pictures of you literally hanging off of him."

"Like she said, she could barely keep herself upright, let alone walk by herself. It was late so she just crashed on my couch." Ashton rolled his eyes, walking to the kitchen to the side and starting to make coffee.

"Let's just go get breakfast, Mike." The girl with pink whispered, standing up from the couch. "I'll see you later, Ashton."

"See you later, Delilah." The oldest boy grinned at the couple as they walked out of the apartment, Michael sending one last glare over his shoulder before he closed the door and grabbed his girlfriend's hand.

"Babe... you know how I feel about him." He turned her to face him, staring down into her eyes. "Next time you go to a party without me, which I hope is never, please just cover up a little more. I don't like worrying about you."

"Michael. You don't have to worry about me. I'm a big girl and can take care of myself." She sighed, staring right back up at him. "I just got drunk and played some beer pong." She decided at that moment that he didn't need to know about the conversations surrounding both her own, and the boy's past. Or the fact that she believed Ashton over her own boyfriend when it came to their history.

"I'd rather you go to parties with me than with him." he whispered, leaning down and kissing her softly. "Please don't do that again."

"Okay, fine." She nodded and knocked on her apartment door, smiling weakly at her roommate when she answered the door. She had looked exactly how Jade had felt. "Hey, you snuck off with someone before I could get my key from you."

"Yeah-" Alexis laughed, shaking her head. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay." Jade laughed with her, waking into the apartment with Michael right behind her. "I hope you had fun last night."

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