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Dress - Taylor Swift

Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off


"Don't- Don't apologize." Ashton whispered from the other end of the line. "You're okay and safe and right now that's all that matters. I was worried sick."

The girl felt like her entire body deflated. She didn't want him to worry about her. Part of her wished he didn't even care about her. But if he up and disappeared like she had, she'd do the same things. Call him non stop, go out and look for him, worry endlessly if he was okay. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just left."

"Why did you?" The boy sat down on the bed at the hotel.

She took a deep breath, sighing to herself before finally speaking up. "I just felt like- like I was messing everything up." She paused. "I couldn't afford school on my own so I was going to get kicked out eventually and I guess part of me wanted to save myself that embarrassment."

"We could have figured it out-"

"It's not your problem to figure out, Ash." She whispered, shaking her head. "I'm okay, I'm figuring it out and maybe in a couple years once I save up the money I can go back to school."

Ashton didn't answer right away, trying to figure out how to ask what he really wanted. But he decided to come out and just say it. "Why'd you go to him?"


"Reese. Why'd you go back to him?" He asked again. "You could have come to me for help, or talked to Calum or Alexis. Anyone but him."

"It's not that simple, Ashton." She took another deep breath, hugging her arms around herself. "I couldn't go home. I already disappointed my parents once when it came to school. I can't do that to them again." The blonde paused, staring at the ground in front of her. "And I thought it'd be easier for the both of us if I just left. So we wouldn't have to say goodbye."

"Come back to school, we can make it work." He quickly pushed out, ignoring the comment about saying goodbye. "I already talked to all of our shared teachers, they're willing to hold your spot for up to a week."

She sighed again. "I'll think about it. I should probably get going. Reese said he wants to talk."

"I'd really like it if we could sit down and talk about this, Delilah." The boy whispered, tapping his foot almost nervously. He missed her, and didn't want to chance losing her again. "Please, I'm sure we can figure something out for you."

"You know we shouldn't see each other, Ash." She whispered. "You know what will happen."

"Why can't it?"

"We're just leading ourselves on before I inevitably have to move back home with one of my parents." she admitted. "It's just going to hurt more the more time we spend together."

"I don't care, I-" He sighed deeply, making the girl's chest go tight again. "I want to spend time with you. C'mon Delilah, these past few days without seeing you or hearing your voice have been hell."

She paused, biting at her cheek as she thought for a little bit. "There's a party right by Columbia tomorrow. I can send you the address and if you want you can meet me there."

"Yeah, if that's what you want to do." He agreed.

"I just need a night to forget everything honestly." The blonde whispered, starting to walk down the sidewalk.

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