all too well

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All Too Well - Taylor Swift

And there we are again
When nobody had to know
You kept me like a secret
But I kept you like an oath


For a week, things were actually starting to feel normal again. Delilah was back with her friends, back in class, and she had a relationship with her mother again. She'd never be able to thank her mom and step dad enough for how much they helped with the semester she was currently in, getting a small loan for the little bit that wasn't taken care of. She was going to try to talk to her dad and fix her relationship with him as well once the school year was over. But she didn't want his money. She just wanted her dad back.

Sitting in Talbot's class, next to Ashton with his hand on her thigh, had her mind swirling. After that conversation with her mom, admitting her feelings out loud to someone made it all the more real that they could be together eventually. But she knew she needed to wait at least a little bit, even though she also knew it wouldn't be long until she gave in. Especially when she'd catch him looking at her with a little smile.

"The days here, you guys will get all the criteria for this semester's project, and have the rest of the semester to use whatever resources you need to complete a song of your own." Professor Talbot smiled at the front of the room, looking around at all the students. She had a good class, she recognized all the faces from star students from the past semester, and she was excited to see what they'd come up with. "It's pretty much the same as last semester, only this time you'll each need to turn in your own projects."

Ashton chuckled, almost silently as their teacher met his eyes, then looked at the blonde beside him with a quick wink. He knew she wanted to use their song as an example in the other class, and they were both more than okay with it. But he didn't expect her to use it right then and there with them sitting in the room. Feeling Delilah tense up the tiniest bit under his hand as she played the example, he just looked over at her and traced small shapes on her thigh.

She instantly relaxed, looking over at him and smiling weakly. As much as she loved the song, and was proud of it, she'd always worry when other people listened to anything she worked on.

"That..." The professor paused, raising her eyebrows at the rest of the class. "That was the first project that has ever received a perfect grade in my class. And I want the rest of you to try to beat that this semester." She took a small breath. "Criteria is a little looser this time around since you'll all be working on your own, but that doesn't mean don't help each other if you need it."

The woman continued talking about the project, handing out some papers and answering various questions other students had. But the two in the middle of the room could barely focus on her, stealing glances and smiles at each other. Talbot noticed, but didn't comment on it. She had been silently rooting for them since they first started working together last semester. She'd talk to them after class, just to encourage them to work together. The woman couldn't wait for their projects.

Class flew by, everyone quickly standing and getting their things together as they said goodbye to their teacher. She watched silently with a smile from the front of the room, waving here and there, but standing up straight when Delilah and Ashton finally started making their way towards the front of class.

"Hey, can I talk to you guys real quick?" She smiled and the two happily stopped by her desk, nodding at her.

"What's up?" Ashton asked, tempted to grab the hand of the girl beside him, instead shoving his hands into his jacket pockets.

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