you're not sorry

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You're Not Sorry - Taylor Swift

Looking so innocent
I might believe you if I didn't know
Could've loved you all my life
If you hadn't left me waiting in the cold



Those of the group that drank were all hungover the following day. But Delilah felt the sickest of them all. She couldn't bring herself to eat the next day, waiting for a text back from Reese. It didn't come that following day, or even the day after that. Then classes were set to start. Classes Delilah wasn't sure how to pay for.

But she was determined within the next two weeks, she'd find a way to make it work. She did have a little money saved up, but it wouldn't be enough to live and pay for her classes. But she didn't want to worry about that yet. Her classes were set to start that Wednesday. Both happy and worried to see a familiar face in almost every single one of her classes.

It was after her last class of Wednesday when she let her guard down, and the boy caught up to her in the hallway. "Hey, I've been trying to catch you all day. I can't believe we have so many classes together." He chuckled.

"It's crazy." She laughed lightly, her head down as she started heading towards the parking lot she had parked in that day. "Sorry, I've had a lot on my mind recently and just trying to sort some things out."

"Is everything okay?" He whispered, walking her all the way to her car, his parked just a few rides over.

She shrugged, just barely moving through as she put her backpack in her passenger seat. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just stressed about the new semester."

"Delilah, you're going to excel in these classes. I've seen your writing and playing abilities." He smiled, resting his hand on her arm. "You're more than capable."

"Thank you." The girl whispered, looking to the ground before Ashton lifted her chin to meet her eyes.

"There's my favorite color." He mumbled, eyes falling to her lips for a split second. After a few more moments, she stepped back, hitting her car. "Are you sure you're okay?"

The blonde only nodded in response, keeping her eyes down. "Like I said, just a lot on my mind."

"Well, you know I'm here to talk to if you need me." He whispered, leaning forward and leaving a soft kiss on her cheek before stepping back. "Maybe you and I can start riding to class together. On Mondays and Wednesdays at least."

"Maybe." She laughed lightly, meeting his eyes for only a moment. "I uh, I do still need to talk to Michael. I haven't had the chance." She paused, biting at the inside of her cheek. "Did you tell Luke about what's been going between us?"

"And what's been going on between us, Delilah?" The boy let a small smirk form on his lips, raising his eyebrows at the blonde in front of him. When she just took a small breath, looking away, he turned her head back to meet his gaze and spoke back up. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He shook his head. "Of course I didn't tell him."

"Did you tell Calum? Because he knows."

Ashton stared at her, wetting his lips before finally looking down. "I didn't tell him, but he saw us kissing." After a short pause, the older boy stepped towards her again. "I swear, Delilah. I haven't told anyone."

She sighed, leaning against her car and playing with her hands. "Mike just can't- I need to be the one to tell him and figure out what to do." The girl looked up at Ashton. "I'm actually going over to his apartment right now. Maybe I can figure out what to say and how to bring it up."

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