gotta get out

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Gotta Get Out - 5 Seconds of Summer
Even when the sky is falling down
Even when the Earth is crumbling around my feet
Even when we try say goodbye
You can cut the tension with a knife in here


Jade couldn't focus on her notes at all. Psychology went by so unbelievably slow, and all because she couldn't steal glances at the boy that was normally sitting a few seats down from her. She missed him. Delilah Jade Carmichael kissed another man and barely felt guilty about it.

Who had she turned into?

By the time class finally ended, she was supposed to head over to Michael's. So instead of going home and changing for the third time that day like she originally planned, she just called him on her way to his apartment. Quite honestly, she was surprised to hear the line click, his voice coming through the phone.

"Hey baby, you on your way over?" He asked happily, the sound of something sizzling on his end of the call.

She furrowed her brows, hearing him answer the phone so upbeat. Like he was happy to talk to her. "Uh yeah, I'm a couple minutes away. Is that okay?"

"Of course it's okay." He chuckled, shaking his head. He knew he had to step up the boyfriend game a bit, to keep her roped in. "I told you to come over after your classes. How was psychology?"

Again, almost completely dumbfounded that he was asking about her classes. The fact that he even knew what classes she had that day had her gears turning in her head. "It was kind of long and boring, but we just took notes the whole time." She paused. "Did you go to the rest of your classes?"

"Yeah, just got home about twenty minutes ago." He answered quietly, practically mumbling. "Hey, I'll see you when you get here, yeah? Just walk right in?"

"Yeah yeah." She laughed lightly, brows still scrunched together. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just- I have a surprise for you." Michael smiled to himself, proud of what he was throwing together in the little amount of time he gave himself. He had gone to one of the two other classes he had that morning, but skipped his last so he could surprise his girlfriend. So he could fix everything in his 'little' plan he had messed up.

"A surpri- what?" She laughed again, pulling into a parking spot just outside his building. "I'm here, I'll be inside in a minute."

"Okay, see you soon, Babe." He chuckled, hanging up before quickly grabbing part of the surprise he had for the girl.

As she slung her backpack over her shoulder and grabbed her tote from the passenger seat, she started making her way to Michael's apartment. Only to see the girl that Michael originally had cheated on her with just down the hall, leaving her apartment.

"Hey, uh Valerie, right?" The blonde stopped outside her boyfriend's door, looking down the hall at the other girl.

Quickly turning at the sound of her name, she furrowed her brows until she realized who Jade was. "Yeah, why?"

Jade took a few steps in the girl's direction, giving her a once over before taking a small breath. Instantly she saw the appeal both boys had for the girl. "I just needed to know if you knew Michael had a girlfriend when you slept with him."

A quiet sigh fell from the girl's lips as she looked to the ground. "Look, I know I'm not a great person. But did you have to tell Ashton what happened? He won't even let me explain."

"Good, you don't deserve it." She paused. "You cheated on him, why should he even give you the opportunity to try to explain yourself. You literally just said you're not a good person."

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