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3 years later


"You don't have to take me ice skating every anniversary." Delilah smiled, walking hand in hand out to Ashton's car from the ice rink. "But it is really sweet and I'll never complain about it."

The boy chuckled, leaning down to kiss her head as they continued walking. "I think it's funny because it wasn't a date the first time."

She rolled her eyes as he opened the door for her, making her turn around to kiss him before she climbed in. It wasn't heated in any way, just a long soft kiss as they both thought about their first date, that wasn't actually a date. They loved talking about that night.

"I can't believe you've been mine for three years now." The boy whispered, reaching across the table and taking her hand. "Abd you've never made me doubt how much you love me before. You only show me that you can love me more."

"I don't know babe." She joked, raising her eyebrows. "What about that time you spilled paint in the living room when we were first moving in?"

"Okay okay, that doesn't count. You were just mad at me, you didn't stop loving me." He rolled his eyes playfully before chuckling. "Plus you're the one that put the paint there in the first place."

The two continued to joke around and send jabs at each other until the conversation peacefully sizzled out. They never minded the silence between them when it happened, just happy to be together. They finished their food and decided that dessert sounded nice for once, and as they waited for it to be brought out Delilah sparked up another conversation.

"Have you talked to Michael recently?" She asked quietly, playing with her napkin on her lap. Almost three years earlier when she told him she wanted a little space from him, he understood and gave it. But they've barely seen each other since. She just needed a little time to come to terms with what happened. Just a little time, not years.

"Yeah, saw him the other day actually." Ashton smiled softly, studying his girlfriend's reaction.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she met his eyes, mouth opening and closing before speaking up. "You saw him? How is he?"

"He's good, he and Crystal are... working on some things but they're both happy." He paused, laying his hand palm up on the table again. He didn't continue until she put her hand in his. "They're happy because of you, sweetheart."

"They're happy because they're back together." She playfully rolled her eyes, but smiled at him regardless. The blonde had yet to meet Crystal all that time later, and it didn't bother her. She was just curious about the girl that Michael loved so much he did all those things.

"Babe, they're back together because of you." Ashton whispered, squeezing her hand lightly. "I talked to them about hanging out. The whole group of us so it's not too awkward, but I know you've been wondering about them a lot."

"What? And they agreed?" Her eyes slightly wide, Delilah smiled softly when her boyfriend nodded. "Thank you, I will never understand how you know me so well."

"It's because I love you more than you love me." He joked, winking at her. "And Luke and Alexis are back together for the time being, so getting them in the same room shouldn't be hard."

"Oh my god, I know." The blonde laughed, shaking her head. "I was talking to Alexis the other day and she told me all about the date Luke took her on." She paused. "Is Cal okay?"

"I think after three years he's given up. Not in a bad way, but he just wants them to be happy and he knows he can't control them." The boy shrugged, smiling widely. "Plus he's got a new girlfriend to worry about."

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