just saying

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Just Saying - 5 Seconds of Summer
He says he loves you, but it's all an act
He's seeing someone else, from behind your back
You know I'd never do that
Just saying


Ashton made sure that the last kiss they shared that morning was one she'd remember and think about for days to come. It was so early in the morning that he wasn't worried about any of his friends in the same building seeing them. Once she practically told him to kiss her one more time, he didn't hesitate to gently grab her jaw with one hand, the other pushing up under the sweatshirt he'd given her to rest it on her hip.

Carefully backing her into the wall, he finally pushed his lips against hers. Soft and slow at first, but after a few moments he pushed harder against hers, making her head tilt back. He told himself to just go for it, moving both his hands down to her thighs and mumbling incoherently against her lips. But she got the idea, jumping slightly and wrapping her legs around his waist, still backed against the wall as their lips moved in sync.

Neither were sure how long they stayed in the hallway like that, wishing they could invite the other back into their apartment to go further. Reluctantly, worried she wouldn't be able to stop herself from asking the boy to come in with her, Delilah pulled away. Both with swollen, kissed lips, they breathed against each other's mouths for a moment before Ashton carefully set her back on her feet.

"Would you-" he stopped himself, shaking his head. "So uhm, I think you mentioned a party?" He asked instead of his original thought, wetting his lips and resisting the urge to lean down and kiss her again.

"Yeah." She nodded, inhaling sharply through her nose. "Yeah, I can send you the details and meet you there?"

"Sounds like a good plan." he smiled, glancing at her lips again.

Delilah wet her lips, watching his gaze drop. She wanted to kiss him again, she'd almost say she needed to. "And we can work on the song later today if you wanted? Just to try to get it done before break."

When a soft chuckle escaped his lips, he leaned his forearm against the wall behind her. "I think that's a great idea." he paused. "When's the party?"

"Wednesday night." She whispered, staring up at him with slightly parted lips.

"So we have to finish the song today?" he asked quietly, leaning closer. Delilah couldn't find words, staring up at him for a few seconds before fleetingly glancing at his lips, right back to his eyes after. Eventually she just nodded, eliciting a quiet chuckle from the boy in front of her. "Just text me when you're ready to work on it then."

"Okay." She finally breathed out. Smiling, or more so smirking, Ashton stood up straight and turned to walk to his door. As he slid the key in the lock, then pushed the door open, she spoke again. "I uh- I don't think I'm going to go to my classes today so... I'm ready when- uh. Whenever."

"Perfect." He smiled and nodded. "Then I'll text you when I'm ready."

Delilah watched him walk back into his apartment, still leaned against the wall. Eyes closed, mouth parted, breathing heavy still. "What the fuck am I doing?" She whispered to herself, shaking her head. Finally she pushed herself away from the wall and walked into her already unblocked apartment, still mumbling quietly to herself.


Both of them expected the other to fall asleep almost instantly, though each of them laid in bed, staring at the ceiling instead. That kisses flashing through their mind every time they closed their eyes, making it nearly impossible to even try to sleep. They were having insanely similar thoughts, thinking about where it would have gone if Ashton had invited the girl inside. What they'd be doing at that very moment if they were in his bed together.

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