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Vampire - Olivia Rodrigo

I used to think I was smart
But you made me look so naïve
The way you sold me for parts
As you sunk your teeth into me


Sitting down at a little diner that they could walk to, Ashton felt like he couldn't stop staring at her. The past forty eight hours had felt like a dream, and now he was sitting across from the girl who he had shared a bed with and showered with, and he couldn't be more relieved. He had been terrified he lost her, he wasn't sure he could go through losing someone he loved like that again.

Love. It's a funny word to most people. But to Ashton Irwin it meant everything. He knew what it felt like, what it looked like and sounded like. Love was sitting right across from him after all, going on about random things. Talking about her songs that she needed to write the music for still. She wanted his help, but didn't know how to ask.

"I'm sorry, I haven't stopped talking since we sat down." Delilah whispered, feeling her cheeks heat as she looked at the table between them. "I just get nervous and can't shut up."

The boy couldn't help the small smile as he watched her, shaking his head before speaking up. "What're you nervous about?"

She sighed, looking back to meet his gaze. "I'm always nervous around you, Ash."

"Don't be." He whispered, his smile only growing. "But if it makes you feel any better, I'm always nervous around you too. Scared I'm gonna say something stupid or embarrass myself."

Their food finally came, and the two of them ate quietly while stealing glances at each other. They were both nervous, of course, but so happy to be there with each other. It maybe even scared Delilah a little, just knowing how much she loved being around him.

"So what do you want to do today?" Ashton asked, finishing up the last couple of bites from his plate.

How could she answer that? Avoiding looking across at him and instead focusing on the little bit of food she suddenly didn't have the appetite for anymore. "I um, I have to go back to Reese's apartment and talk to him."

"Delilah, you-"

"I have to." She sighed, shaking her head. "I can't just keep disappearing, especially after he came to help me move everything at the drop of a hat. He deserves that much. But I promise I want to come back to school. I'm not just going to never show up."

"But he-"

"Ash." She smiled weakly at him from across the table. "I have to at least get my things and tell him that I'm leaving. Then I'm coming back to school and I'm gonna figure everything out." she took a small breath, taking her last couple of bites. "I think I'm going to have to call my mom and see if she can help at all."

Ashton sighed, closing his eyes for a moment before meeting her gaze. "I don't like the idea of leaving you with him, like at all..." He paused, wetting his lips quickly. "But I get it, and I want you to call me if you need absolutely anything. I lost you once, I don't want that to happen again."

"It won't." She smiled again. "I just need you to trust me."

The brunette only nodded in response before he paid for both their meals, ignoring the girl arguing with him about it. "Let me at least pay for the ride there and drop you off so that I know you made it safe."

"You really don't need to do that, Ash." She laughed lightly, shaking her head. But they both knew how useless it was for her to try to fight it. No matter what he'd be making sure she got there safe, and that she'd promise to call him if she needed him.

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