Chapter 4: Invited

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It has been three days since Naruto's first day on the job, and it only seemed to get easier the more time went by. His shift was nearing its end and he could tell everyone was ready to book it for the weekend. He almost felt bad for the remaining members of the crew that were stuck until seven, but knew better than to say anything about it. He didn't want to accidentally sign himself up for closing crew, of course for obvious reasons, but mainly because he was getting comfortable working around Sasuke and Kiba. There was another tech that worked at the shop named Suigetsu, his hair was so white that it reflected off in a bluish tinge. Naruto didn't know him outside of the shop, nor was he very fond of him. The guy played around to much, surprisingly more than Naruto.

Despite finding the man on the closer side of annoyance, Sasuke seemed to get along with him just fine. Maybe it was that fact that Suigetsu was becoming friends with the raven that Naruto didn't like. Of course Naruto would rather call the white haired man annoying than admitting in the slightest that he may be jealous. He noticed Suigetsu hovered around Sasuke's station while the raven packed his things. From a distance Naruto watched while simultaneously packing up his things, he made sure his gaze wasn't noticed by either of the two. It seemed from his perspective that they had agreed to hang out. It was when they walked out of the shop through the main waiting room together that he realized his suspicions were correct.

A part of Naruto was disappointed, he hadn't been out of his house to be in a social setting since the graduation party. He wanted nothing more that to just go out and drink like an irresponsible teenager. When the raven had fallen out of eye site, he sighed to himself. He noticed everyone in the shop was starting to trickle out of the building. His old time friend Kiba was already gone too. It was closer to five-thirty by the time he finally unlocked his bike and took off.

The sky was dark gray, no baby blue skies in sight. However, because the cloud coverage was so dark, it illuminated a dark sinister blue essence over the entirety of the city. Occasionally Naruto could see flashes of lightning in the corners of his eyes, flashing so quick he couldn't really see it with the bare eye. "Damn it..." He cursed to himself before picking up the pace on his bike. He had only been a few blocks away, but he wasn't fast enough to beat the rain. Before he knew it, layers of thick rain poured down onto him, almost as if there was only a rain cloud solely around him. He legs pushed down forcing his feet to move the pedals faster than ever. It hadn't even been three minutes before he was completely soaked head to toe. When he made it to his apartment complex, he quickly locked up his bike and flew up the staircase.

Before entering his home, he tossed his shoes off outside by the door, his hair was dripping making his locks cover a majority of his face, which made his vision be cut in half. He hadn't even bothered to scope the outside hallway to make sure no one was there before grabbing the brim of his shirt and pulling it up and over his head. Even though it had buttons, he didn't have the patience to wait. His chest was exposed, he was down to his bare skin, only having his pants left, which were full of his personal belongings. He tossed the shirt on top of his shoes while quickly digging in his pocket for his keys. His hair still limp over his face. "Thanks for the strip show, but take me on a date first would ya?" The sound of a familiar voice immediately caught his attention. He sprung his head up and turned his gaze into the direction of the voice.

Kiba had been the one to say it, but Sasuke and Suigetsu were also with him, standing in the hall just a few doors down as they approached the blonde. His eyes locked with Kiba's, confusion was clear in his face. "What are you doing here?" Naruto asked before his eyes shifted to meet with Sasuke's, he could feel a rock build in his throat when he saw that Sasuke was staring not just at him, but all over him. Naruto could feel a sinking feeling in his stomach, he quickly glanced at Suigetsu who seemed to be not as interested in the conversation. "Dude, I texted you like nine times. You're just now getting home from work?" Kiba asked while finally approaching his friend. Sasuke and Suigetsu kept a respectful distance but Kiba found himself nearly barging into the Uzumaki's home.

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