Itachi had just finished making dinner, chicken Alfredo was what was on the menu. He had prepped all of their plates and quickly made his way upstairs. He wasn't sure if Sasuke was going to take his advice on making the blonde eat, so if his little brother wasn't going to make him then he himself sure as hell will. "Sasuke Naruto dinners done." He said as he knocked on his brothers bedroom door. When he got no response he knocked again. Unfortunately neither of the two spoke up leading Itachi to let himself in. When he opened the door he saw them entangled with each other just as they were the weekend prior, except this time Sasuke had leaned over to glance at his brother.
Sasuke sighed, he hadn't really wanted his brother to catch him like this but it was inevitable he was going to find out about their new relationship. He picked up his hand and gestured for him to leave. Itachi nodded his head before exiting. When the older Uchiha shut the door he smiled to himself, he knew then and there that it was official they had been honest to each other about their feelings. It was about time Sasuke finally figured himself out, he decided not to tease him about it considering the circumstances that were happening. He made his way down stairs and waited patiently for the two to make their appearance at the table.
In Sasuke's room the raven gently stroked Naruto's face. "Hey...Naruto." He said softly attempting to whisper. He didn't want to be rude waking him up but when his alarm on his phone went off behind him he quickly reached around and shut it off. "Mmmnn." He whipped his head back to see Naruto waking up. The way he stretched and rubbed his eyes was absolutely adorable. It took everything in Sasuke's power to not bombarde him with kisses. "Sleep okay?" He asked with a smirk as he stayed close to the blonde who was clearly having a hard time waking up. It was now 7:00PM, which was rather late for them to be eating dinner.
"I could sleep longer." Naruto mumbled in response before finishing the stretch he was in and scooting closer to the raven. "As much as I would love to cuddle with you the remainder of the night, we need to eat dinner." Sasuke said with a soft but also stern voice. He wouldn't just let them skip dinner, just as Itachi had said it was in their best interest to try and stay on a normal routine. "I'm not really hungry." Naruto said with a small frown keeping his face hidden. He remembered almost immediately what happened earlier in the day but didn't want to bring it up.
Sasuke ran his fingers up and down Naruto's back attempting to comfort him, he knew what was bugging him but the last thing he wanted was to bring it up. "I know...but you need to eat, no skipping okay?" Naruto only nodded in response before sitting up and running his fingers through his hair. "Okay."
The night had gone by quickly, dinner was a success and Naruto actually ate seconds which was more than Itachi figured would happen. Their conversations were mild and Itachi avoided any topics that may be sensitive. Somewhere in the conversation Sasuke had mentioned Naruto would be staying the night which of course wasn't something he was going to argue about, instead he only insinuated that he could stay whenever.
When bedtime came around Naruto took it upon himself to clean his plate which surprised Itachi but he didn't say anything, afterwards Naruto took a shower upstairs before climbing into Sasuke's bed waiting for him to take his shower next. While his boyfriend was in the shower the door to Sasuke's room opened, grabbing Naruto's attention. He put his phone down that he was scrolling through before sitting up with the blanket across his legs. His eyes met with dark orbs, but these orbs belonged to Sasuke's brother. "Itachi?" He said questioning what he maybe wanted. "Hey...can I talk to you for a minute?" The older Uchiha asked looking back at the bathroom making sure Sasuke was still in the shower before entering the room and closing the door behind him.

Honest Mistake SASUNARU
Fanfiction🔞⚠️ After high school, Naruto became a full time mechanic in a near by shop. Money was getting tight from the lack of income, which was concerning to say the least. But he worked his way through the struggles, while also falling in love with his sc...