Chapter 23: Media

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It wasn't long till they reached the Yamanaka residence, Naruto only knew where it was from a previous party they had for Ino's 17th birthday. He was invited since he was Sakura's friend, that's when he tried vodka for the first time.

The two approached the front door, there was two cars in the driveway, which told them that her parents were home, Naruto was almost hoping they wouldn't be.

Sasuke took the initiative to knock on the door first, he stood by Naruto's side holding his hand to help encourage him. "It's gonna be okay." He said before the door opened up and they parted hands. "Uzumaki! And Uchiha? What might I have the pleasure seeing you two today?" Ino's mother asked, it wasn't but seconds before Ino's father showed up behind her. "What a surprise." He said before opening the door further. "Please come in."

When they walked inside they stayed at the entrance to the door, they felt there wasn't a need to get to comfortable since Naruto wanted to let them grieve in peace. The smell of fresh picked flowers soaked the room, it was sweet and pungent. "Mr. And Mrs. Yamanaka, I'm afraid we came here under very unexpected circumstances." Sasuke started the speech for him, he felt if he made it to where they understood it wasn't just a thoughtful visit that it would help Naruto. Which luckily it did.

"Oh? What do you mean? Is everything okay?" The mother asked with a bit of worry noticeable in her voice. Sasuke looked over at Naruto giving him the floor to speak. His blue eyes shifted from him to her, he frowned feeling a bit of regret to be the one to break the news. "Your daughter Ino was in accident." He started, the women in front of him gasped and glanced at her husband. Naruto didn't want them interrupting and asking questions to soon so he proceeded with explaining.

"She was riding with Sakura in her car, and another car in the head on lane swerved over to their lane, causing Sakura to swerve and attempt to dodge the other car. But unfortunately she lost control of the steering wheel and swerved off the road." Naruto paused for a moment when he noticed Ino's mother Noriko start to tear up. He bowed his head and folded his hands in front of him before continuing. "I'm afraid they over turned and rolled, causing them to plow into a tree where Ino was pronounced dead on impact."

His heart cracked again, it definitely wasn't news he wanted to break but knew he had to for Sakura. The sound of sobbing filled the room, he looked up to see Inoichi, Ino's father, holding his wife in his arms. Tears filled his eyes but he knew he needed to be strong for Noriko. "Oh my god." Was all that was said from her, her voice was raspy and she was clearly going through a world of pain she'd never expect. It wasn't right for a child to die before the parents and it was obvious this was going to damage them for life. Their only child was tragically killed in a horrible accident that should have never happened.

"Where did they take her?" Inoichi asked with a shaky voice. Naruto looked him in the eyes, his frown only became larger as he responded. "I believe the Konoha hospital for examination." He started fidgeting with his hands. "They more than likely just arrived there and getting ready to call you, but Sakura told us to come here and let you know first."

When Sakuras name was thrown into the conversation again Noriko looked at the blonde standing in front of her. "Is she okay?" Naruto only nodded. He was surprised to see how strong they were in the moment but knew all hell would break loose once they left. "She's being questioned at the station now." Naruto finished before stepping back getting ready to leave. Sasuke intervened once more before they could make their leave. "Please do your best to not watch the news, as you know media always has a way of twisting things. I'm very sorry for your loss." Sasuke said with genuine concern. He turned to see Naruto open the front door and they quickly made their leave saying goodbye.

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