The three of them were just feet away from the door Naruto had been so anxiously waiting to open. His heart was racing more than he was anticipating. Nervousness filled his stomach causing nausea to take play. Before Itachi grabbed the handle to the room door Naruto spoke up, "Wait..." He immediately grabbed Itachi's attention, making him stop in his tracks. He looked at the blonde who seemed to be having some kind of breakdown."Are you okay? Do you need a minute?" Itachi said immediately trying to find a way to comfort the man. He kneeled down and grabbed the handle to the wheelchair giving Naruto an eye level gaze. The blue eyed man felt uneasy going into the room. He started thinking about why Sasuke had been mad at him and was beginning to wonder if it was right for him to go in there. Deep down he knew Sasuke would want nothing less but apart of him also wondered if Sasuke wanted him as far away from him as possible. He gripped the bottom of his gown that covered his knees being cautious of his thigh. "What if he doesn't want me seeing him like this." Naruto asked directing his eyes down to his legs where his hands were.
"That's absurd." Itachi said before adjusting to his level, getting more comfortable before explaining his reasoning. "My little brother spent hours with me waiting for you to respond, more so left the house after I told him to wait out your response just for him to go and find you anyways. He poured his heart out to me, I've watched Sasuke grow from infant to child to aggravating teenager to a responsible and mature young adult. If anyone knows what Sasuke desires it would be me. And from what I know, his one desire is you...Naruto."
Itachi's words hit Naruto hard in the chest. It felt like the one needle in a hay stack poked his heart. He needed to hear that more than any other advice he got from someone else. He put on a stern face trying to hide the fact that what Itachi said really meant the world to him. "Okay." Naruto said after some time of silence. "I'm ready." And with that Itachi stood up. He reached for the handle again as Naruto took a deep breath. The smell of the hospital on this floor was overwhelming of medical supplies and clean sheets. But when they entered Sasuke's room, there was a hint of cologne that Naruto knew all to well.
His eyes locked instantly on the body laying completely still on a bed. The nurse rolled him up close to the bed edge as his eyes scanned over every inch of Sasuke. There was no holding back the tears that made way down his cheeks, his eyes burned from the salt in them and his heart ached with sadness. His vision fell blurry as his lids filled with tears. "Oh my god..." He whispered but it was loud enough that Itachi could hear.
The older Uchiha gestured to the nurse to leave and give them a minute with the younger man. Privacy was an all importance for Sasuke and he knew that. Naruto reached over gently caressed the tips of Sasuke's fingers, slowly rubbing them.
"Sasuke..." The blonde whispered not even bothering to hide his emotions. It was only natural to feel so responsible after the events that took place. If what happened between them didn't hurt this sure as hell did. Itachi only watched Naruto go through it, he knew it would be reckless to let him be here but there was no option otherwise.
Sasuke's hand started moving out of response from the feeling of being touched. The sudden movement made Naruto's eyes light up like never before. "I-Itachi! His hand." Itachi moved to the side Naruto was on and visibly saw the movement. He almost couldn't believe his eyes either. "'s me." Naruto said as he moved his hand to grab a hold of his. It was weak but he could feel the grip tighten and not from his own hand. The older Uchiha made sure to scope every inch of his younger brother, to check for any other signs of awareness. This of course was when he noticed the heart monitor increasing. "Hm." Itachi hummed to himself wondering if this would be the moment he's been waiting for.
"I know you can hear me... Sasuke...I'm here." The grip on the blondes hand only tightened more before they were fully entangled into each others hands. The ravens head started to toss an turn giving the impression that he was waking up. Naruto was beyond happy to see this, he pulled himself closer as best as he could. Itachi and Naruto sat in quietness and waited patiently to see any further progress. The older man placed a hand onto Naruto's shoulder letting him know he was still with him, even if it ends up being ugly if he wakes.

Honest Mistake SASUNARU
Fanfiction🔞⚠️ After high school, Naruto became a full time mechanic in a near by shop. Money was getting tight from the lack of income, which was concerning to say the least. But he worked his way through the struggles, while also falling in love with his sc...